List of all 'domains', 'entities',

This is a great way to display all entities!

Could somebody please help me with my attempt to list all entities and their corresponding friendly_names? Apparently, my alexa does not turn on bed room any longer (it reports that the device is not responding), and I assume this is due to multiple entities with the same name.

{%- for state in states -%}
- {{state.entity_id + + "\n"}}
{%- endfor -%}

This will display all my entities and their set names. How can I display only those entities that have the same name (in my case, Schlafzimmer)?

UPDATE: I came up with this block below. Is this the right way, or is there a better/more sinsible method to achieve the same thing?

{%- for state in states -%}
  {% if == "Schlafzimmer" %}
  - {{(state.entity_id + " => " + + "\n")}}
  {% endif %}
{%- endfor -%}
1 Like

so because I recently noticed the Z-waveJS integration is displayed under many Domains, I would love to develop on this script, to list these multiple subdomains with their respective domains. Eg I now have

and finally zwave_js,

and I would love to have a template or python script creating an output like


  • binary_sensor
  • climate
  • cover
  • fan
  • light
  • lock
  • number
  • sensor
  • switch

for all subdomains belonging to other domains.

This must be an easy reversal in the scripts logic, but all my thoughts on it lead to nothing… please have a look with me how to create that?


progress but nothing ripe for production just yet:

attributes = {}
components = hass.states.get('sensor.ha_rpi4_config').attributes['components']
cnt = len(components)

# Make a dictionary of all main domains, add each sub domain to the main domain list.
compdict = {}
subdict = {}
for component in components:
    if component.count('.') == 0 and component not in compdict:
        compdict[component] = []
    if component.count('.') == 1:
        domain, subdomain = component.split('.')
#        compdict[domain].append(subdomain)
        compdict.setdefault(domain, []).append(subdomain)
        if len(subdomain) > 1:
            subdict.setdefault(subdomain, []).append(domain)
# Make the dictionary into a flat list of strings.

complist = []

for key, value in compdict.items():
    if value:
        # Adding a domain & series of sub domains
        complist.append('- {}: \n for: {}'.format(key, ', '.join(value)))
#     else:
#         complist.append('- {}'.format(key))

sublist = []
cntsub = 0
for key, value in subdict.items():
    if value:
        # Adding a subdomain & series of domains
        sublist.append('- {}: \n for: {}'.format(key, ', '.join(value)))
        cntsub = cntsub + 1
        sublist.append('- {}'.format(key))

# join each component with a carriage return
complist = '\n'.join(complist)
sublist = '\n'.join(sublist)

#text = '{} Loaded Components:\n' \
#       '{}'.format(cnt, complist)

#subtext = '{} Multiple subdomains:\n' \
#       '{}'.format(cntsub, sublist)

attributes['friendly_name'] = 'Components'
attributes['icon'] = 'mdi:format-list-bulleted-type'
attributes['Components'] = cnt
attributes['---------------'] = '--------'

attributes['text'] = complist #text

attributes['Subdomains'] = cntsub
attributes[**************'] = '--------'
attributes['subtext'] = sublist
hass.states.set('sensor.overview_components', cnt, attributes)

results in a listing like:

- xbox: 
 for: binary_sensor, media_player, remote, sensor
- zwave_js: 
 for: binary_sensor, climate, cover, fan, light, lock, number, sensor, switch
- buienradar: 
 for: camera, sensor, weather

but it has 2 major flaws just yet, in that it also lists the single subdomain entries. I thought I prevented that with

if len(subdomain) > 1:
            subdict.setdefault(subdomain, []).append(domain)

but apparently it doesn’t :wink:

Secondly, I would love to sort() the subdomains alphabetically. Right now, the list of domains (for: binary_sensor, media_player, remote, sensor) is sorted correctly, but the main listing isnt.

Hello everyone,
I was wondering, could the code posted here be modified in a way to only show entities that are part of a certain integration?
Reason behind this is I would like to use this code to maybe tell Recorder what to record. And I basically do not care about any system information and only want to record all the devices that I installed via Tasmota and Shelly integrations.

{%- set unique_domains = states | map(attribute='domain') |list | unique | list -%}
{%- for domain in unique_domains -%}
{{"\n"}}- {{domain}}
{%- endfor -%}

{%- for state in states -%}
{{"\n"}}- {{state.entity_id}}
{%- endfor -%}

There is an integration_entities() function, for example:

{{expand(integration_entities('hue'))|selectattr('domain', 'eq', 'light')|map(attribute='entity_id')|list|join('\n- ') }}

Would get you all the lights in the hue integration

1 Like

Hi, using the code of @dariusz as follows:

{% for d in states | groupby('domain') %}
  {% if loop.first %} Domains: {{loop.length}}
  {% endif %} - {{ d[0] }} ({{ states[d[0]] | count }})
      - {{ states[d[0]] |map(attribute='entity_id')| list|join('\n      - ') }}
{% endfor %}

resulting in displayed in a ‘mark-down’ card:

Domains: 25
   - automation (11)
      - automation.001a_garage_2_auto_lights_on
      - ...

   - binary_sensor (49)
      - binary_sensor.bbq_flood_light_shelly1pm_06_overheating
      - ...

   - button (35)
      - button.bbq_flood_light_shelly1pm_06_ota_update
      - ...

   - camera (2)
      - camera.cam_stairwell_01_gf_ff_high
      - camera.cam_stairwell_02_ff_rf_high

   - climate (18)
      - climate.ff_bedroom_1_ac
      - climate.ff_bedroom_2_ac
      - ...

   - cover (43)
      - cover.ff_bathroom_1_window_1
      - ...

   - device_tracker (73)
      - device_tracker.ana_s_mobile
      - ...

   - group (66)
      - group.b1_covers
      - ...

   - input_boolean (8)
      - input_boolean.basement
      - ...

   - input_number (21)
      - input_number.diesel_tank_adc_offset
      - ...

   - input_select (1)
      - input_select.mode

   - light (180)
      - light.bathroom_1_light
      - light.bathroom_1_mirror
      - ...

   - media_player (11)
      - media_player.all_speakers
      - ...

   - number (6)
      - number.cam_stairwell_01_gf_ff_microphone_level
      - ...

   - persistent_notification (1)
      - persistent_notification.config_entry_discovery

   - person (5)
      - ...

   - remote (1)
      - remote.roku_yj002t616908

   - script (3)
      - script.call_hamza
      - script.call_the_guys
      - script.call_zaid

   - select (8)
      - select.cam_stairwell_01_gf_ff_infrared_mode
      - ...

   - sensor (285)
      - sensor.amman
      - sensor.ana_s_mobile_uptime
      - ...

   - sun (1)
      - sun.sun

   - switch (121)
      - switch.b1_guard_ufh_valve
      - switch.b1_ufh_pump
      - ...

   - update (9)
      - update.ha_scheduler_update
      - update.home_assistant_core_update
      - ....

   - weather (1)
      - weather.home

   - zone (1)
      - zone.home

I need help how I can make the display on a dashboard having:
a custom button with (name=domain name, value=number of entity_id(s)) and when pressed it displays the list of entities
Any advise is highly appreciated


just so we’re understanding what you want: you try t create 25 buttons (for each domain) and the number of the entities in that domain? and then list only those entities in a popup?

seems a bit crowded tbh, and maybe you can have more compact solutions. like fold the listings in a fold-entity-row, or, simply scroll the list, like I do:

  - type: entities
    title: Domains and entities
      class: class-header-margin
      - type: custom:hui-element
        card_type: markdown
          style: |
            ha-card.type-markdown {
              box-shadow: none;
              margin: 0px -16px -16px -16px;
              overflow-y: scroll;
              height: 450px;
        content: >
          {% set x = ['unavailable','unknown'] %}
          {%- for d in states|groupby('domain') %}
          {% if loop.first %} ### Domains: {{loop.length}}{% endif %}
            **{{- d[0]}}:** *({{states[d[0]]
            {% for i in d[1] if i.state not in x -%}
            > {{}}: *{{i.state}}*
            {% endfor %}
          {%- endfor -%}


Hi @Mariusthvdb
This is definitely better than mine and saved a lot of space :slight_smile: however, I noticed a difference in the count of buttons between my code and yours! :thinking:
Thanks anyway

The count difference is due the extra filtering of unknowns and unavailable entities

Very nice, Thank you

Sorted list of domains and entity_ids:

{{ states | map(attribute='domain') | unique | sort | join('\n') }}

{{ states | map(attribute='entity_id') | sort | join('\n') }}