List of all "unavailable" devices for a given time?

Hey Everyone!

My home network has been kinda flakey ever since a new router system update. The tech support folks would like a list of devices that drop off and return to the network. I know Home Assistant logs when a device becomes “unavailable”.

How do I return a list of all devices that have become “unavailable” for a given time period?

I’m guessing there is a report or query I can run to return the device and timestamp of when it became unavailable.

select device_name, IP_address, MAC_address, timestamp
from some_tables
where status = 'unavailable'
      and timestame between 'start' and 'end'

Does anyone know how to accomplish this?

Thanks for being awesome!!

The Watchman integration in HACS might help, but it doesn’t do the timeframe bit. You run it manually as a service in Developer Tools and it lists missing entities as a .txt file