Hi people!
I’m new here and I’m in the stage of discovering the possibilities…
So I’d like to know if we have a list of all or almost all repositories available to check new tools.
Repositories for integrations or for addons. If the former, look at HACS.
Yep I have HACS installed… actually I was looking for a list of URL to increase the repositories in that addons.
There is no definitive list. I tend to see stuff on the forum as it is announced. There is an awful lot in hacs to play around with already, but if there is something specific you are after, ask away.
I am looking for a way to send messages & pictures from HA to Mattermost. Is there something like that available?
Also, please use the search.
I do use the search extensively. So far not found anything.
Is the matterbridge for whatsapp, or mattermost integration?
You will have found this then
Yes I did look at that thread. I am guessing I am too much of a newbee because that thread does not make a lot of sense. Guessing the ‘Notice’ code from Tech Guy goes into the configuration.yaml. I has a small understanding of calling services so that part sort of makes sense. What I am not getting is where to I tell HA which channel to send the message into, and how can I add an attachment (A picture file).
Well ask in that thread then.