List of date-times in more-info card

Probably it has been asked before but I cannot find relevant questions.

If I tap on my doorbell or backdoor_sensor in lovelace, I get the more-info screen with the not so useful colored bar stating the times that there has been a change. But the door is only opened shortly, so it is hard to find out when it was open.
I’d like to have a list of open/closed state with a date-time value behind it. Domoticz has this.

Is it possible to create this without much effort (otherwise the answer is always YES :wink: )?

You can always change your entity to display the last_updated.

- type: entities
  - entity: sensor.backdoor_sensor
    secondary_info: last-changed

This will show up in the interface like this:



True, but that is not a list.
It is a nice addition though. Where do I add the secondary_info line? I have not specified my entities by hand.

This is all done through lovelace. Unfortunately there is no way (that I know of) to show a list of event times. There may be a custom lovelace event card but I didn’t find one.

Thanks. Maybe the future provides something like this.

home feed card might get you what you want

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