List of weatherbit forecasts?

I’m using the integration and, since I first installed it, they’ve changed the format of some entities. What I’m looking for is the list of all the weather conditions it can list. For example, today the weather.weatherbit entity (the main one) has a state of Cloudy. I’m using the state to drive different icons. Problem is, I don’t know what all the states could be.
I’m asking because weatherbit has a page of icons and common codes but those don’t correspond with the conditions I’m getting. Cloudy is a perfect example - it’s not listed on that page.
Is there a way to query all the possible states of an entity like this so I can get a complete list of weather conditions?
Thanks for any help

Here is the template I use for such conversion… didn’t look at this for some time, hope it is up to date:

        icon_template: >
          {% if is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'clear-night') %} mdi:weather-night
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'cloudy') %} mdi:weather-cloudy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'exceptional') %} mdi:weather-sunny-alert
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'fog') %} mdi:weather-fog
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'hail') %} mdi:weather-hail
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'lightning') %} mdi:weather-lightning
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'lightning-rainy') %} mdi:weather-lightning-rainy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'partlycloudy') and states('sensor.sun_elevation') < '0' %} mdi:weather-night-partly-cloudy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'partlycloudy') and states('sensor.sun_elevation') > '0' %} mdi:weather-partly-cloudy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'pouring') %} mdi:weather-pouring
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'rainy') %} mdi:weather-rainy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'snowy') %} mdi:weather-snowy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'snowy-rainy') %} mdi:weather-snowy-rainy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'sunny') %} mdi:weather-sunny
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'windy') %} mdi:weather-windy
          {% elif is_state('weather.weatherbit', 'windy-variant') %} mdi:weather-windy-variant
          {% else %} mdi:cloud-question
          {% endif %}

Thank you for taking the time to answer mirekmal! I’ll check and see if this answers my question.