Listen to Cheap doorbell

Here’s a newbie with Home Assistant.

As a former user of Pimatic I switched to Hass. With Pilight I managed to get my switches to work (433 Mhz)

Now I would like to have my cheap wireless doorbell to be visible within Hass.

Pimatic has a discovery mechanism and there the doorbell appeared with this info:

{ "id": "homeduino-pir", "name": "Deurbel", "class": "HomeduinoRFPir", "protocols": [ { "name": "pir4", "options": { "unit": 21290, "id": 52043 } } ], "resetTime": 6000 },

How do I translate this into Hass config yaml ?

I don’t know anything about pilight but I solved this problem recently here

Hmm, I think this is a bit too far for me… I use the Arduino Nano on ttyUSB0, but with Minocom (which is the pc version of Screen) I don’t know how to use it… I was hoping I would only need to use something like this:

- platform: pilight switches: Halogeen: on_code: protocol: impuls systemcode: 26 programcode: 4 "on": 1 off_code: protocol: impuls systemcode: 26 programcode: 4 "off": 0

I have so much other things to do so , this will be on my ToDo list…thanks