Listing Automatic View Entities

I am currently trying to organize the default view that is automatically created as it has gotten out of hand. Is there a way to list out which entities are automatically populating this view? There are a couple of panels that don’t seem to have matching entities (like the zwave status panel).

Alternatively, is there a way for me to keep the default view, but just filter out the entities that I don’t want in that view?

Not really, it can be a pain in the ass.

I don’t believe so.

Pretty much you have a few ‘hidden’ groups. These groups are the all_* groups, e.g. group.all_lights, group.all_switches, etc.

Groups like that will appear on the main page.

If you want to see all groups inside your home assistant, you can use the template editor with this code:

{% for g in %}
{{- g.entity_id }}
{% endfor %}

EDIT: I forgot to link to the page that allows you to change the default_view…

    view: yes
    icon: mdi:home
      - group.awesome_people
      - group.climate
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