Little help needed

Getting started is a bit uphill…
I played around with MQTT and a few Arduinos in OpenHab some time ago
Now the time has finally come to use my PI3 for something serious so seemed like an obvious choice
Installation was SO easy and I love the idea behind it so far
After the installation I was planning on just playing around with MQTT once again, but found that I already had a LimitlessLed V6 wifi bridge that I could control
I have 17 RGBWW lights configured in 3 zones, two remotes and the app on my phone
I put this in my configuration.yaml file:

  platform: limitlessled
    - host:
      version: 6
      - number: 1
        type: rgbww
        name: Hall
      - number: 2
        type: rgbww
        name: Kitchen
      - number: 3
        type: rgbww
        name: Living Room
        fade: on

And now what? The instructions seem to take it for granted that it’s obvious what to do now
How do I test that it can control the light?
I was unable to find any usefull step-by-step instructions

Just updated to v0.54 and now i see switches on the front page… That makes a little more sense :slight_smile:
I’ll see where that takes me now that i actually see something