I was wondering if it is possible to create an automatically updating card that is always identical to a “primary” card?
I have a main dashboard that i use on my pc that as you know i am constantly tweaking.
Those cards are copied to different views and dashboards across HA (for tab and mobile views)
I would like this updates to be automatically be transferred to the copies of the cards without me having to go change the code everywhere.
Is this functionality possible somehow?
Could it be integrated as a core functionality or as a custom component?
You can already do this with the !include statement.
My entire UI is based on !includes. Most of the elements and cards are shared between my desktop, tablet (kiosk), and mobile dashboards so I only have to maintain one copy of them.
Is there a tutorial on how to use the !include statement?
I am new to Home Assistant have so far only used the built in editor for creating dashboard.
Hey there!
I know this is doable with yaml mode, but i find the ui editor offers a lot of usability, especially when editing something while not on a full sized pc/laptop.
The idea is to at least allow !include while the ui editor is enabled.
Or IDK, maybe assign an id to a card and then call that id from a card that’s someplace else in HA?
This would be really useful. I have a number of dashboards and views with cards that are common across them. Being able to define a card in one place but use in multiple views would be a nice time saver. It also helps ensure the cards are actually displaying the same entities etc.
This is on the very top of my personal wish list. My frontend has gotten quite expansive and it has become quite a chore to change the navigation element that lives on top of each view.
can attest this would be a lifesavere. Making separate dashboards for phones, tablet-kiosks and laptop and they all use shared elements that require a lot of copy/pasting in raw yaml
Maybe if we could assign a unique ID to the source card through UI…
and then have a “copy card” where we would just enter the source card’s ID?
I dont know
Thats actually not a bad idea i.e.: card_id (like entity_id). Doing this would not only help towards copy of cards but you could add to that and “!include card_id” in other views and reduce duplicate cards on other views. I have a diag card I use on a lot of my views and updating it is a pain. Anyway card_id would be a good solution for this ‘copy’ issue but also for ‘!include’ of cards in other views. But… would take some infrastructure…
I like using UI for dashboard creation/edits - these are the graphical elements, that’s only natural to edit them in GUI
Still, however, I have one main admin-only dashboard, which contains everything, and other, desktop and mobile, users dashboards.
Whenever I change one element, i.e. added new device to certain room, copying it elsewhere is a chore, even though I do that by copying yamls (still in web ui)
+1 for a feature allowing to link to dsahboard cards on other dashboard, i.e.:
Assign some kind of unique ID to each card on the dashboard
Assign unique ID to dashboard (we actually have this - doasboard address path
Allow to !include the card from other dashboard by using i.e.:
I use yaml to edit dashboard. Use “!include” to include a yaml file is no problem. But I don’t know whether it works the same in UI mode.
- !include /config/repeat_card.yaml
the repeat_card.yaml contains one card to be reused.
At least, I only need to include the card in each of the views, don’t need to copy the card several times. Once I update the sub.yaml, all referred view also get updated.
I’m very much a beginner, but I was wondering the same thing [how to copy/paste cards in the User interface of dashboards]… after a lot of trial and error I found the solution right under my nose:
In the edit view of the dashboard, you can hover over the tile you want to copy and then click the three dots in the top right hand corner of the tile, then select ‘COPY’.
Then go to the dashboard view that you want to paste it into (can be a different dashboard). You then need to click on the + icon in the area of the dashboard you want to add the tile. This will bring up a pop-up with various options for different types of card - at the top, under the heading ‘Suggested Cards’, the first option should be ‘Paste from Clipboard’ - just click on that option and your copy-and-paste is complete.