Live logbook needs a pause button

Its cumbersome to look through the logbook when lots of things are happening as the logbook is continuously scrolling with new events. The logbook should PAUSE when scrolled down from the latest events. It should also have a manual pause button to stop live events from occurring.

I realize you can sorta do this by selecting a date/time specific but that takes time to get the right time when you see something in the logbook you’d like to look at further.

+1 added.
as a suggestion, a pause/play button could be added next to the refresh button I the header:

I’m not sure if I would like to vote, because the pause is not that practicable - I think. You would pause, read the log, then unpause and the next e.g. meantime-132 rows would be displayed right away, you are loosing your last read row, etc.

I think it would be much more usable, if the window only respect your scrolling position. New items would be added invisible on top, and you would be able to scroll up, read, scroll up, read, … until you perhaps reach again to the very top of the window and the next rows would be flying in again visible real-time. That is a solution I would like to vote for. :wink:

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yeah, that would be way more elegant. great idea.
have no idea about the feasibility of either though.

