Live view calera giving error message

Has been a long time I didn’t push that trigger in my tablet, but I see 2 out of my 4 cameras are giving an error message when I try ti display their feed on my tablet dashboard. Instead of seeing the live feed, I see this :

the mushroom entity card on the dashboard is calling a script to display the camera feed which is the following :

alias: Launch Cam Jardin + tablet screen 300 (Dupliquer)
  - data:
      value: "300"
      entity_id: number.lenovo_tab_m10_plus_3rd_gen_screen_off_timer
    enabled: true
    action: number.set_value
  - data:
      title: Caméra Extérieure
      dismissable: false
        camera_view: live
        type: picture-glance
        entities: []
        camera_image: camera.192_168_1_7
      timeout: 300000
      size: fullscreen
      browser_id: []
      right_button: Fermer
    action: browser_mod.popup
  - delay:
      hours: 0
      minutes: 5
      seconds: 0
      milliseconds: 0
  - data:
      value: "30"
      entity_id: number.lenovo_tab_m10_plus_3rd_gen_screen_off_timer
    enabled: true
    action: number.set_value
mode: parallel
icon: mdi:cctv
max: 10

Please note of I click on the entity “camera.192_168_1_7”, then I can see the live feed :

the entity is a “Generic camera” one …

Can someone please help in here ?
Many thanks !