don’t use “_snapshot” use the real camera.
(and fix my typo… i transcripted incorrectly w/o a german keyboard )
your rtsp stream url should be fine, but you could also use:
{{ state_attr(‘sensor.engangstuer_info’, ‘stream_Source’) }}
instead (note that i used the sensor.*_info entity
btw, you said you were struggling for hours on this. one hint is that when you have an error in a template, use the developer-tools->templates feature to figure it out.
if you took that first url and put it in the template evaluator, it would have barfed at you. then you can fix it up. i don’t know exactly why the entity attribute specifies the state in that way. arguably it should specify it as i have above. … maybe someone else more knowledgable than me about that could answer that.
in the camera.eingagstur, replace that with the correct name of your camera. for me, it was the same name but without the _snapshot, so i was guessing that was the same for you.
you did the right thing by going to dev tools… you sould see that it gave you an url that wasn’t valid… i presume you know where to find the right camera identity id?
if you look in dev tools->states you should be able to find your camera and one of the attributes will be entity_picture. e.g. it’ll start with /api/camera_proxy/camera…
When I look through the states in the dev tools I have no camera without the “_snapshot”. That is the only entity with “camera” in its name. Is that the root of my problems?
that’s a bit strange.
when you go to your ring integration, you should see a bunch of entities. click on all the entities. there should be one of them which is a camera. right??
assuming so, click on that. in the popup, hit the gear icon in the upper right.
what’s the entity id that comes up in that subsequent screen?
(I also renamed the device and all its entities from “Eingangstür” to “Eingangstur” in case the umlaut was making problems, but I noticed that the URL I got from the attributes of sensor.eingangstur_info still contains the “ü”. I hope that’s not causing problems.)
there looks like something wacky with your ring integration because it should be providing a camera. however we might be able to work around it because mqtt may have what it needs.
ok, can you try this… for the rtsp stream do (note that we’re going to use the ‘sensor…_info’ entity): {{ state_attr(‘sensor.engangstuer_info’, ‘stream_Source’) }}
for the image url let’s go ahead and use the snapshot entity. it may be perpetually out of date but for now let’s just get it working:
adding some info here for others who may hit this. ina and i continued in chat…
issues were a) bad ring-mqtt token (not sure how this happened) b) snapshot image wasn’t generating. c) the wrong urls
force reauth
use a random other image (wikimedia url) for the still image to create the generic camera
use the urls above.
fix up still image to mqtt image (we ended up still getting a 500 error from the mqtt still image url. i think there is something corrupt in his mqtt integration)
Has anyone figured out how to show a live view of the ring door bell on the lovelace only when the doorbell is pressed? I rely on the notification to my phone and having the rtsp stream going all the time will prevent me from getting a notification. I would like to just be able to see who is at my door on the stream
I am stuck…could anyone point me in the right direction?
I have the RING - MQTT add on installed and running. I was able to authenticate using user name and password for my ring account. (I do not have the RING integration running)
I see all four (4) of my ring cameras listed and each have many entities listed in my HASS device/entities page.
The Generic Camera integration does not seem to be accepting my inputs.
Thanks after reading 50 posts where people just said “it’s in the add on”, someone finally gave the right answer. The unintuitiveness of this platform is astonishing. Since a million people want this info, why not put it in the device info by default?