LLM Vision: Let Home Assistant see!

any luck with this?

Did anyone ever fix the truncating of the text?

Iā€™m trying to use data analyzer and doing the following in an action but keep getting the error ā€œunsupported sensor entity typeā€ā€¦ what am I doing wrong here. Sorry for the obtuse question, pretty new to HA

include_filename: true
target_width: 1280
max_tokens: 5
temperature: 0.1
provider: xxxxxx
message: how many packages are at the door?
image_file: /media/Snapshot.jpg
sensor_entity: input_text.last_package_delivery
remember: true

Hi, I created a code on HACS that will allow you to convert jpg to png.


wondering if the blueprint can be used with global conditions, for example, in some cases I donā€™t want the LLM to analyze photos if someone is home, so if a condition that only if someone is ā€œnot homeā€ to run as normal.

I thought of making an automation just to turn on/off the automation based on this, and that could be ok.


Hi, does im the only one where i cant get analyze video by ollama with the blueprint ? i tried the lastest version 1.3.7 and now the automation never trigger. I try with adding Zone, object and also try without and nothing trigger.

Is there anyway I could get the image analyser to work on a robot vacuum image entity? Iā€™m able to select the entity in the developer tools but I just get an error when I try Failed to perform the action llmvision.image_analyzer. Unknown error. I know itā€™s all setup correctly as the Stream analyser has no problems responding to the camera feeds.

action: llmvision.image_analyzer
  include_filename: false
  target_width: 1280
  max_tokens: 100
  temperature: 0.2
  generate_title: false
  expose_images: false
  expose_images_persist: false
  message: What can you tell me about this image?
    - image.vac_map

Iā€™m getting notifications very late if my phone is laying on my desk - only when I pick it up, 10-20 minutes later, do they arrive.

Is there a way to add ttl and priority to the notification data?

service: notify.mobile_app_*
  message: Test
    ttl: 0
    priority: high

Source: Mobile App Notifications Are Slow (Android) - #51 by dshokouhi

your example is correct, make sure the app also has access to run freely in the background as well. Battery optimization and other power settings may be at play too.

Pixel 8 Pro, all battery optimizations are off, all other settings Iā€™ve found, including Persistent has been enabled.

Most notifications seem OK, but the one from this Blueprint is consistently late. Thatā€™s why Iā€™m hoping thereā€™s a way to add ttl and priority to it so I donā€™t have to ā€œTake Controlā€ and lose the capability of getting updates.

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Mine didnā€™t trigger as well with frigate on the same version. Not sure if itā€™s a bug or itā€™s just not supported yet but removing the template from the enable key in the mqtt trigger started the automation firing. I wasnā€™t using Camera anyway so I just swapped the template with ā€œtrueā€. I had other issues with it not showing the image in the notification though so I didnā€™t continue with it.

Have this same question. Not sure how to set the automation so it runs on motion detection

Anyone elseā€™s notifications just stopped. Its been running fine for a while fine all of a sudden nothing it doesnā€™t trigger. Running frigate mode LLM Vision v1.3.7 did i miss a change?

My blueprint based .yaml is as below. It just does not work unfortunately:

alias: AI Event Summary Side
description: ""
  path: valentinfrlch/event_summary.yaml
    input_mode: Camera
    remember: true
      - 1864308c42629f5750e2022c3f6b6ff7
      - camera.side_fluent
      - binary_sensor.side_motion
    cooldown: 5
    provider: 01JGYTZWQ1ENRF45ES7XQF1BP6
    max_tokens: 50
    model: gemini-1.5-flash

I get this error when runnning manually:

Logger: home assistant.components.automation.ai_event_summary_side
Source: components/automation/init.py:664
integration: Automation (documentation, issues)
First occurred: 2:17:21 PM (5 occurrences)
Last logged: 2:37:55 PM

Error rendering variables: UndefinedError: ā€˜dict objectā€™ has no attribute ā€˜entity_idā€™

I did not, but I did successfully set up a dual notification system - one with text, one with the image and a link to the camera. I did not use the blueprint so it may look a little different.

alias: AI Image Analysis - Driveway (Rick Sanchez)
description: >-
  Detect person or animal, analyze with LLM Vision, and send notifications as
  Rick Sanchez
  - entity_id:
      - binary_sensor.driveway_person
      - binary_sensor.driveway_animal
    to: "on"
    trigger: state
  - delay:
      seconds: 1
  - data:
      remember: true
      include_filename: true
      target_width: 1280
      max_tokens: 300
      temperature: 0.5
      generate_title: true
      expose_images: true
      expose_images_persist: true
      provider: 01JGYEKA641GKVAY7FVV2V6F09
      model: gemini-1.5-flash
      message: >
        You are Rick Sanchez from the cartoon TV show "Rick and Morty." You have
        a part time job as a security camera monitor for this smart home, you
        will be asked to give brief summaries of what you see on camera. You use
        the paychecks from this job to fund your intergalactic adventures, and
        you are annoyed that this is necessary. Two adults named Matt and
        Tatiana who are 41 years old and are fans of the "Rick and Morty" TV
        show are your audience, so you can be as vulgar or profane as the real
        Rick Sanchez would be without worrying about children overhearing your
        responses or anyone being offended. Be funny. You are encouraged to use
        sarcastic jokes and brag about your intelligence. Since your responses
        will be part of a phone notification, please use words and not emojis
        and keep the length of your report limited to 255 characters. Summarize
        who is on camera or what is happening in the camera feed, but do not
        describe the scene! If nothing is happening, say so in a funny way.
        - camera.driveway_fluent
    response_variable: ai_analysis
    action: llmvision.image_analyzer
  - data:
      message: Driveway Camera
        image: "{{ state_attr('camera.driveway_fluent', 'entity_picture') }}"
          - action: URI
            title: Open Camera Feed
            uri: /lovelace/cameras2
        priority: high
        ttl: 0
    action: notify.all_phones
  - data:
      title: "{{ ai_analysis.title }}"
      message: "{{ ai_analysis.response_text }}"
        priority: high
        ttl: 0
    action: notify.all_phones
  - delay:
      seconds: 120
mode: single
max_exceeded: silent

Iā€™m on my lunch break at work at the moment, so I had time to paste you the code but not time to fully explain it. Ping me if you need me to later and Iā€™ll try to help you out with it

I tried the integration but no services show up in India. When I tried my HA installation in Qatar all showed up.
This means the integration wont work in India?

Many Thanks,

Hi guys. I canā€™t figure out what kind of provider it is or how to specify it if I have Ollama configured locally.

Error message: invalid_provider

There was a bug in frigate mode in v1.3.7. It should be fixed now. Try to reimport the blueprint to update to v1.3.8.

The integration doesnā€™t know where it is. It should work everywhere. You might need to clear your browser cache or restart Home Assistant.