Mobile App Notifications Are Slow (Android)

At this moment April 25 2024 it is more worse sometimes it takes 12 minutes to deliver

What type of phone? Does it make any difference if the phone is unlocked and screen active? If android do you have ttl: 0 and priority: high in data for android or interruption-level: time_sensitive/critical in ios?

are you not following the critical format? they show up immediately everytime when you do.

That’s what I read in all your comments but it makes no difference. Sometimes the notification will arrive in a split second and sometimes it takes up to 15 minutes whatever my settings are.
ttl: 0
Priority: high
channel: Motion
importance: max
image: /local/snapshots/face_counter_latest.jpg/
url: app://com.whatsapp
clickAction: app://com.whatsapp

I can say also with iPhone 15 the notifications are coming always on time, meaning within 10 seconds. With Android (S21) that is not the case, and has never been. They come on time only when the phone is in a state to respond immediately, for example right after an other notification was played.

If the phone is just laying on table for some time, it stops responding to HA notifications on time. The notification will arrive when you next time do something with the phone or sometimes after random period. You can improve the situation by turning off all possible battery saving things, google for Don’t kill my app. But still haven’t found solutions which really work.

It is frustrating as many other apps are working well, like Whatsapp and Telegram are receiving notifications immediately. Also Traccar open source app is updating locations to server continuously no matter what.

Maybe HA app needs some background process or something to improve the situation with Android. For example Traccar app is working well, maybe it does something what HA needs as well.

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did you follow the link posted 2 comments above this one? that will solve the issue.

I tried that and it seems to improve notifications with S21. With A51 there is no luck, it is very difficult for it to show notifications on time - typically they appear only when opening app.

Thank you, this worked for me.

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New Samsung A35 and still not working. After phone has been hours on the table, the notifications just not arrive.

   ttl: 0
   priority: high

This setting does not help, they just don’t arrive, until you login to your phone.

Samsung has recently promised to improve the situation significantly, it requires actions from app development also. Maybe something to take a look.

In the mean time have you looked at the remedies listed on don’t kill my app?

With Android 14 in A35, there isn’t so many settings any more. But yes, I checked those, didn’t install any Good Guardians. Most importantly HA App Battery setting is Unrestricted. Background data usage allowed.

im sorry but that is not true, Samsung adds things like power saving, data saving etc… every OS update they add something new. Every issue we have with samsung users we always walk them through settings and they discover more thigns taht need to be disabled for the app.

please dont show partial YAML, share the full automation so we can see if it was configured properly.

background work has nothing to do with the app being woken up to receive a notification, its unrelated to the app and only for apps that TARGET android 14 which the app is yet to do but still does not impact the app being woken up by the OS which is how notifications work.

in my experience dealing with samsung specific issues this is not enough and you have more settings to turn off.

I am new to the Home Assistant system and am experiencing an issue with notifications. Notifications are arriving very slowly on my Android phone. Please guide me on how to resolve this problem.

you want to follow the critical format:

if you share an example of an automation I can show you how it should look.

example with just message text provided:

service: notify.mobile_app_*
  message: Test
    ttl: 0
    priority: high
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This is the one, please correct me.

ttl: 0
priority: high
name: default
critical: 1
volume: 1
message: Top Light is off
title: Alert!
action: notify.mobile_app_honor_70

spacing is everything with YAML

action: notify.mobile_app_honor_70
  message: Top Light is off
  title: Alert!
    ttl: 0
    priority: high

these are invalid options for android

name: default
critical: 1
volume: 1

I added the same and it’s working perfectly. Thank you very much.

My notifications on android companion app are late. I have also tried HTML5 notifications and they are late as well. I have tried everything with priority settings, battery optimization settings etc. Nothing works.
The only way I’ve managed to get timely notifications is via telegram bot. It’s a shame a simple thing like this required so much effort to get working.

I have both an Android phone and an Apple iPhone. Both receive notifications simultaneously via the Companion app. I’m not sure its Android specific.

Just tested it again via a script.



It could be network associated…

please share the YAML you used