LMS Announce


Reading through the monthly WTH I got reminded of one of the to-do things on my huge list.

I use Logitech Media Server for multi-room audio, and one of the players doubles as a doorbell. I always wanted it to be able to resume playing music, after the doorbell has rung.

Unfortunately LMS does not support Announcements out of the box, but you can achieve the functionality by adding a plugin to LMS. I found this nice plugin: LMS Announce

For my doorbell, I have popped this into configuration.yaml

  play_doorbell: curl -G ''

and use

service: shell_command.play_doorbell

to in an automation to call the command.


Thanks, just what I needed.

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It works ? Alternatively as you used in HA for notifications on the LMS player.
It is not clear to me how to do it. I have the LMSannounce plugin installed.

I haven’t looked at alternatives as this still works fine for me.

The LMS Announce site has instructions on how to generate the required URL.

By adding the shell_command to your configuration.yaml, you able to call it in an automation in HA.