Loading foscam via platform config is deprecated


I have successfully added my Foscam camera directly to config.yaml file, but I get the following message:

 Loading foscam via platform config is deprecated, it will be automatically imported. Please remove it afterwards. 

I tried to move my config in a camera.yaml file, but I still have the message in my logs.

Not sure what I missed here!

Thanks for your help!!

It means that manually configuring those cameras via a yaml config entry is no longer accepted. You can only configure that integration thru the UI from now on. But the yaml configuration was automatically imported to the UI config.

Now you just need to remove the yaml config for the foscam integration to remove the warning message.

It was in the breaking changes for the latest release.

Oh, thanks, just found it in integration menu :man_facepalming:t2:

Since the last update, none of my cameras is working. I am not able to get a live view

I’m not on the very latest (which I think is .3 now) but I am on 2021.2.2 and my live view that I open in a pop-up window work fine.

I only can connect one of my foscam cameras since version 2021.2.1. Why should we connect with rstp on port 554 ? All was working with yaml configuration then not working on version 2021.2.0 then working on version 2021.2.1 and last two updates only one camera is working. If second camera is connected the two cameras appear with broken connection … A solution is appreciated. Thanks in advance

I’m sorry I don’t have any solutions for you. All of my cameras are working fine. But I’ve had them configured for a while in the UI (moved from yaml config a while back).

You could try to post an issue on github for that integration. Or try to get help on discord.

You could also move to ONVIF integration as the FOSCAM cameras are Onvif compatible

Thank you for your answer but is not possible to leave the field rstp port 554 optative? On version 2021.2.1 the field is not there and the two cameras are working OK…

Thank you for your suggestion but I hope to have it working again I know somebody can solve this issue … :wink: