Loading historical data

Greetings Everyone,

I`m trying to create Insert statements in order to add historical data to template sensor.
Here is my setup:
Database used: PostgreSQL
All logs are enabled (this will comes in hand in future I hope)

Number Input → gas_input
Template sensor → gas_sensor
Utility gas → GAS:
This is how they looks like in HA:

Lets start with simplest task just to add history of input number - (gas_input_new). (this is not connected/related to anything else because it become more complicated when we add sensor and utility)

I add 2 values: 100 and 200 to see how in each table I`ll get results:

select * from event_data
where shared_data like '%gas_input_new%'
order by 1;


select event_id, origin_idx, time_fired_ts, data_id, context_id_bin, context_user_id_bin, event_type_id,
encode(context_id_bin, 'hex') as context_id_bin_encoded,
encode(context_user_id_bin, 'hex') as context_user_id_bin_encoded
from events
where data_id in (select data_id from event_data
where shared_data like '%gas_input_new%');


select state_id, state, last_updated_ts,
old_state_id, attributes_id, origin_idx,
context_id_bin, context_user_id_bin, metadata_id,
encode(context_id_bin, 'hex') as context_id_bin_encoded,
encode(context_user_id_bin, 'hex') as context_user_id_bin_encoded
from states
where metadata_id in (select metadata_id from states_meta where entity_id = 'input_number.gas_input_new');

and now the questions:
How these values context_id_bin and context_user_id_bin are generated and is it possible to “remove” them from the manual input?
Is it possible to just update the time_fired_ts to some date in the past without changing anything else in terms of keys to appropriate date when we need this specific value?
Why we have 3 different metadata tables instead of 1?

Sorry for the long post but I can see that this is a topic that is not broadly discussed and I would like to understand it and be able to “manipulate” the data directly in the DB - history is my priority now :wink: .

Hello, I found your post to be very interesting, as I’m currently attempting to accomplish something similar. Have you discovered how it works, or could you kindly share any findings you’ve made? Thank you in advance for any assistance you can provide

Greetings @michalmie, I didnt found any info on the encoded bin fields and their meaning and way to gen them.. I was thinking to copy my "prod" vm (Im using proxmox vm to host HA) and do some updates and inserts to see if Im going to mess up the instance :) Currently Im very busy and cannot promise when I`ll be able to do that.

Another thing to consider … may be you can setup brand new HA and use MSSQL as recorder ( its easier to capture what is triggered against the DB with all parameters associated ) and see what ha will generate as insert/update statements and hopefully it will be similar in other recorder types. DB profiler is “shipped” with SSMS.