Local access is not longer available but remote access still works

For some reason I can no longer access my HA instance, running in a VM on unRAID. I cannot access it at nor at home access.local:8123. The overseer URL says that the server is up and running. Remotely connecting through Home Connect Cloud works fine and I can access, make changes, view cameras, etc.

I have rebooted HA from within itself (that seems to be when the issue started). I’ve rebooted the VM itself. Nada. Nothing is returned in the browser. Ping doesn’t return anything. Everything else on my network seems to be running fine.

I’m curious if you can advise on how to troubleshoot. Thanks!

That happened to me yesterday. I have two wifi networks at home and my computer had switched to the second network while the HA Yellow Box remained on the first.
The local connection came back when I changed the computer back to the first network.

Foolishly, it turns out my issue. The server is now running over HTTPS

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