Local_calendar ics file import option

A two question here =)

  1. do you reload calendar (via dev service console) after replacement file?
  2. r u sure what your calendar is OK? Yep, a strange question but alas. Can you upload your calendar for example to google or for example again to this service click (not ads! sorry for link)?

thank you @10der for explaining this.

but honestly… why is there no simple import button?! is almost unbelievable

Hi, local calendar developer here. It just needs to be designed and added. Keep in mind this is done in volunteer time, so someone has to be motivated to do this.

I personally don’t have a use case for this so I haven’t done it myself yet, but it’s been on the bark burner " Todo list" for awhile. (I put time on Todo lists instead)


Sir, hi
First of thank you :wink:
Second, thank u a very much for this component :wink:
And last. My IMHO one feature is absent: can’t able to setup RRULE :frowning:

Hi, thanks!

Can you elaborate? Rrules are supported. Maybe you mean via service calls is a gap? Yeah that’s true, only supported in the UI right now.

yep! Lack of calling API.