Local calendar option

No. Currently all you can do is add and remove events individually from the calendar dashboard. Even modifying existing events isn’t possible right now.

It’s possible ical or ics import will come eventually but it will likely be a while. I’m not sure if syncing with a remote calendar is ever something you should expect though. Since then it’s not a local calendar anymore.

Tbh if someone else is publishing the calendar and you want to just use it from HA I would suggest importing it into Google calendar and then setting up the Google calendar integration. Then Google can handle keeping it in sync and you can access the calendar from HA.

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Yes, that was the solution waiting for the card workind.

Not really a given that the card will be updated with this button. It’s a lot smaller then the calendar dashboard, not sure there’s room. If you want that I’d suggest submitting a separate #feature-requests

I like that we now can see events that are stretching over several days as one long bar. Not sure in what version (2022.12.x) this was introduced (I’m running .6). Good Job :+1:

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Thank you very plenty. I did not understand the custom implementation, but I came across a video yesterday, demonstrating your calendar implementation as an integration.

Now I no longer need an open link to my synology calendar.

Is it correct that we can not add a recurring event starting in the past ?
I wanted to add my birthdays starting at the day of birth to easily calculate the current age.

I was unable to edit an event to be reoccurring, however I’ve just created a new event and I could make it reoccurring. HTH

When I saw your post I tested myself and you are right (2023.1.1). When you edit a recurring event you can not change it to yearly and after a few retries it throws you an error.

Edit 3:

PR: Local Calendar option: Cannot edit single event instance to become a recurring event · Issue #85369 · home-assistant/core · GitHub

Perhaps related to:

PR: Google Calendar API returns invalid recurrence rules and fails with "Error evaluating recurrence rule" · Issue #85365 · home-assistant/core · GitHub
It is not.

Edit: Fixed in 2023.1.2

Can somebody think of a solution to display in dashboard the next 7 Days of calendar entries in a simple list, like its possible now. But instead of the Day above, my wife wants a “day-countdown” view?
We would only put important appointments there to look somthing like this:

  • Dentist (in 2 days)
  • Michaels Party (in 6 days)


In 2 days

  • Dentist

In 6 days

  • Michaels Party