Local Deployment for SureFlap / SurePetCare Connect using only local MQTT Broker

Guys, can we please keep this topic to discuss anything related the local access to surepet devices and stop talking about any other random topic like battery adapters? If you are interested on that topic just create a new post, once done you can add the link here so anyone interested in that unrelated topic can jump there and discuss

I used a adjustable dc-dc converter like this one: https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005004177149903.html It has a usb-c connector and I used a standard Usb adapter. Then I adjusted the power to be exact 6v, Higher or lower voltage will not work.

Ah, so you had issues before with the chip sensor? Or didn’t it work at all? Cause I use a 6V adapter?

@pdwonline @pergola.fabio can you please stop this conversation about batteries inmediately?

If you want to discuss about anything not related to this topic you are more than welcome to open another topic, but please stop derailing the conversation with unrelated questions. There is a lot of people subscribed to this topic who are interested specifically about the local access to the surepet devices, and all of us are receiving notifications about your discussion on batteries and converters that we are not interested at all (and if someone is interested, they will join your new topic :wink: )

By the way, happy to be corrected if this conversation about batteries and adapters is related to the local access to the devices in any way

It’s all related :slight_smile:

A few more post out of topic doesn’t hurt , seems local access is a dead story anyway?

@pergola.fabio I am sorry but I completely disagree. I am really interested in the local access to surepet devices, and will keep trying to get it no matter how long it takes (even if it means replacing the device for one sold by a different company, once a better option is available), but I am not interested at all in the alternative topic you guys are discussing, which is completely unrelated.

Every time I receive a notification saying that a new message has been posted in this topic I open the topic just to realise I wasted time because you guys are discussing something not related to the topic at all, and it´s really frustrating (and I guest most people watching this topic will have the same issue).

This HA forum is so good because we can create posts for every topic we want to discuss, there is not need to mix topics and make everyone´s life more difficult.

Please stop NOW

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I’m going to jump in and say I’m inclined to agree with @heisenberg. There’s over 500 posts in this topic and I’m sure some are off thread, but relevance must be taken from the post title which is what others will search for. Additionally, for those of us following this post, it’s a ‘live’ issue, and we’re keen to hear any updates on local control possibilities.

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My local setup also takes about five seconds to register KeepIn/KeepOut changes. So I assume it is normal and related to the flap or the hub, not the cloud.

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Has anyone started on a new local implementation?

I recently setup the hub, and I’m not impressed. It should be able to tell when a cat is going outside or coming inside, but it mostly returns “looked through the flap”.
In addition to:

  • Having trouble scanning on the indoor side
  • The app not showing updates for a few days
  • Curfew not letting cat’s inside
    I’m of mind to start tinkering with an ESP to make it work as something this expensive should work.

Last year I tried getting information from them on why it is battery only (supposedly noise on mains power, which obviously could be solved with a capacitor or backup battery), why it is dependent on the cloud and why I have no control over updates.
They ended up just not replying to my messages anymore.

I have no experience with ESP or programming, but I want to help out where I can. As long as the flap keeps working that is :wink:

That’s exactly where almost everyone is at. The barrier to entry is high for this project, which has led to its demise (through no fault of @peterl, its just over nearly everyone’s head imo). :frowning:

a quick goggle shows a number of people have already done a esp32 or pi version, some people buying a cheap hand handle tag reader and pulling it to bits or by adding a RFID reader to an esp32
this is a really old video but the principles are there to build off

FWIW, I was too late to the party as far as replacement local firmware were concerned.
My cat finally won the boxing match with the flap, and broke some parts in the mechanism, basically boils down to needing a replacement spring.

At 3 years and 2 months, sure said that they didn’t have a replacement part, and I should go ahead and buy a new flap.
The eWaste involved in that is utterly ridiculous.

I’m pondering the practicality of a 3d printed open cat flap which doesn’t look entirely like a science project.

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Has anyone tried to physically open the flap and see what hardware is needed? It surely can’t be that hard to control two solenoids/motors and an rfid reader with a esp32, can it?
I would mod my catflap without looking back at the petcare hub in no time.

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Good luck running an ESP32 off AA batteries for any length of time.

i have powered my sureflap with an adapter bought on Ali for 6€ :slight_smile:
No need to replace batterys anymore, one disadvantage, the chip sensors doesnt workwith a powered adapter… but i dont need that anyway :slight_smile:

configured custom mode, so i can still lock/unlock the door, but when locked, any cat can come in

I have modified the catflap and mounted a step-up converter inside. (https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005005138015747.htm) Drilled a little hole for the USB connector on the bottom and have it running on an USB adapter, where the batteries work as backup. The sensors also work, but only if you adjust the power to be exacly 6v

ah cool, is it maybe possible to post pictures of it? and some extra info how you did the setup ?

That is really very interesting. Especially that the batteries are used as a backup.
Which converter did you use from Aliexpress? There are different variants.
I am also very interested in further information and photos.

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This is the exact type of adapter I used. https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005006174321939.html I Also used a Diode (type 1N4007) https://nl.aliexpress.com/item/1005004345942815.html to avoid the batteries to be charged all the time. I will make some pictures and post it here


Guys, I have the feeling, the hub restarts once or twice every day, at a random moment, the entities are not available then for a minute… Do you see this behavior too?