"Local" HA Community Map!

What if we find other HA users near us so we can collaborate or help another user or vice versa.
If we have a opt-in way of seeing home assistant users around us we can not only have a online community but a personal one.

Let’s say we have a map we can opt-in to broadcast with other HA users we are within a radius on a map. We can have a local community as well as a online one. HA users can collaborate together rather than just online.

That would take allowing your cloud connection to expose your homes location to other HA users, pretty sure that would go againts the ‘fully local’ vision. I certainly would not opt into that.

Might work as a HACS integration though for those who wish to participate.

The goal wouldn’t be to expose direct location but as a radius such as a county. I would not want anyone to know my residence either.

Let’s say there’s options such as 50, 100, 150 mile radius. (And whatever the equivalent is in kilometers)
Users already expose their country with home assistant analytics.

What if you could set your own location to show on map? Have this as an integration that asks location for setup.

or even less intrusive add a map feature here in forum and people that want can place a pin on a map to indicate their location :wink: Have seen that in some other communities forums !


Yep, this would be ok. Just put your pin at a nearby shopping centre or park.