Local key for device integration via local tuya

Tuya IoT Development does not allow retrieving local key for new devices. The tuya query
Cloud–>API Explorer–> Device Management–>Query Device details does not work - error message “your ip(77.189.xxx.xxx) don’t have access to this API”. can anybody help?

My advice would be to bite the bullet and either migrate to Zigbee2MQTT or just use the HA Tuya integration. You can also use a hybrid model some devices on Zigbee2MQTT some left on the Tuya Smartlife. Obviously this is an issue if you use a lot of WiFi devices, where there is no good solution at the moment for local control.

I hope Tuya will read this post and might allow us to access their API locally.

Tuya is trying to optimise API access so a few things which work today, like IoT dev, will not work tomorrow. You just have to adjust to this new reality.