Local Mosquitto broker and CloudMQTT

Do i need both Local Mosquitto broker and CloudMQTT to use sonoff switches and owntraker in Hass.io

I have used both in Hassbian and now i am Hass.io user. I installed mosquitto broker plugin and here is my configuration.


and configuration in Mosquitto broker plugin.

  "plain": true,
  "ssl": false,
  "anonymous": true,
  "logins": [
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password"
  "customize": {
    "active": false,
    "folder": "mosquitto"
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem"

I’m using Sonoff switches and OwnTrack with the Mosquitto Hassio plugin without CloudMQTT.
You need a public IP address and setup port forwarding for port 1883 from Internet to

do i need mqtt component in configuration.yaml

  port: 1883
  client_id: ha
  keepalive: 60
  username: username
  password: password
  protocol: 3.1

or need any cnages in Mosquitto broker plugin

  "plain": true,
  "ssl": false,
  "anonymous": true,
  "logins": [
      "username": "username",
      "password": "password"
  "customize": {
    "active": false,
    "folder": "mosquitto"
  "certfile": "fullchain.pem",
  "keyfile": "privkey.pem"

How is Owntracks location report delay. In my case homeassistant show status 1 day ago. How can i cheak when Owntracks sent data to Mosquitto broker.