Local MQTT sensor

I am trying to get HA to read sensors from a local MQTT server that is running on port 2883. I added

  broker: localhost
  port: 2883`

to my configuration.yaml, but I find in the log:

2020-03-31 04:56:04 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Data in your configuration entry is going to override your configuration.yaml: {‘broker’: ‘localhost’, ‘discovery’: True, ‘port’: 1883}
2020-03-31 04:56:04 ERROR (MainThread) [homeassistant.components.mqtt] Failed to connect due to exception: [Errno 111] Connection refused

I am a bit baffled as to why this is happening, because the server is there and working mosquitto_sub connects without any problems:

mosquitto_sub -t "application/1/#" -p 2883 -v

starts showing records as they arrive.

Hav I misunderstood how this works? Is there any documentation or examples of local MQTT use I could look at?


You already have a broker on 1883. There can only be one defined.

Thanks, that was the problem. I hadn’t understood that the UI and yaml configs are separate things