Local network ipv6


how is it possible to access the hassio via ipv6 (only in the local network)?
I added the line “http: server_host: ::0” in the configuration.yaml.

When I login with ssh it shows the three ipv6-addresses:
2a02:908:xxx:7f20:xxxx:733:37b5:a837/64, 2a02:908:xxx:7f20::216e/128, fe80::af2:xxxx:c9cc:9d49/64

It’s not possible to access it over one of these addresses with a browser.

What can I do to access it over ipv6?

Thank you for your answers!

Works for me


Be sure to actually enclose the address in brackets (and to not include the “/64”, ofc)

Yes, now it works on my iPhone in the same network and via mobile data (I disabled the firewall)…
On my Windows 10 pc (same network) nothing happens (ERR_ADDRESS_UNREACHABLE) (Edge, Chrome, Firefox).

edit: I had to active ipv6 in the network settings of my windows-pc,…

Thanks for your help!