Local only UK plugs that are certified?

Hi all,

I’m looking for some UK smart plugs that will do report power monitoring so that I can monitor my washer and tumble dryer.
I know Sonoff and other cheap Chinese plugs would do the job, but they worry me for this purpose as obviously a washer and dryer are both high current devices.

Are there any plugs out there which are certified / made by well known manufacturers that allow for local only use? (Either ZigBee or WiFi)

The only ones I’ve found so far are the TPLink devices, but there still seems to be reliance on TPLink apps for setup etc, as it calls out to their cloud even in local only mode.

Give the Hive sockets a go. Works well with zigbee2mqtt and do power metering.

I’ve been using the Shelly.io products with good success. I’m US, so not sure of UK, but pretty sure EU. I started with Shell 1PM and build my own outlets, this was before they made a all in one plug unit. I used both. Both have a over current limit, which is set-able, 1Pm also has over temp monitor. And has inputs for external temperature probes, if you want to get fancy. These are WiFi devices.

Thanks both, yeah Shelly was my first thought but unfortunately it looks like they don’t have plug sockets for the UK plug type, so I’d have to use something like the PM1 which I don’t have space for.

Good call on the Hive plugs though, didn’t realise they were ZigBee, and they seem to be rated for 3kW :+1:

Hey, hope you don’t mind the late response.

I’m in the process of setting up a shop to sell pre-flashed, pre-configured, and pre-calibrated Tasmota devices here: Local Bytes Power Monitoring Smart Plug (UK)

If you sign up for an account, I’ll be sending out an email when we get the initial stock sorted!

Been looking at those. They look pretty small (sounds silly I know) and similar to the Chinese Tuya units available online. Are they certified in any way/can they handle loads such as tumble dryers?


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