Local Owncloud with Private Certifificate server

Homeassistant version 0.115.2 with Supervisor 245.

Unsupported as its running in docker-ce 19.03.13
on Ubuntu 18.04.5 LTS.

The logs in Owncloud state the following:

I have an internal certificate authority and all other aspects of hassio (supervised) work well. my access is via https for everything. It is not exposed to the Internet but even internally I like security as it is defense in depth.
On the same node (PC) I have an instance of Owncloud. I can access this via https://server/
But for some reason I cannot connect via ical? My config is as follows:

  - platform: caldav
    username: !secret davname
    password: !secret caldav
    url: !secret calurl
    verify_ssl: false
      - name: skutter
        calendar: personal
        search: '.*'

From my owncloud log I get:

{"reqId":"hcNG4vUe7suKyHBalDJS","level":0,"time":"2020-09-23T20:25:19+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"webdav","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/remote.php\/dav\/","message":"Exception: HTTP\/1.1 401 No public access to this resource., No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured, No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured: {\"Exception\":\"Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Exception\\\\NotAuthenticated\",\"Message\":\"No public access to this resource., No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured, No 'Authorization: Basic' header found. Either the client didn't send one, or the server is misconfigured\",\"Code\":0,\"Trace\":\"#0 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/event\\\/lib\\\/WildcardEmitterTrait.php(96): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Auth\\\\Plugin->beforeMethod(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#1 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(448): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->emit('beforeMethod:PR...', Array)\\n#2 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Server.php(241): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->invokeMethod(Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Request), Object(Sabre\\\\HTTP\\\\Response))\\n#3 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/Server.php(326): Sabre\\\\DAV\\\\Server->start()\\n#4 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/apps\\\/dav\\\/appinfo\\\/v2\\\/remote.php(31): OCA\\\\DAV\\\\Server->exec()\\n#5 \\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/remote.php(165): require_once('\\\/var\\\/www\\\/ownclo...')\\n#6 {main}\",\"File\":\"\\\/var\\\/www\\\/owncloud\\\/lib\\\/composer\\\/sabre\\\/dav\\\/lib\\\/DAV\\\/Auth\\\/Plugin.php\",\"Line\":161}"}
{"reqId":"Usnd0GLc3LxBu1tNHClU","level":0,"time":"2020-09-23T20:25:19+00:00","remoteAddr":"","user":"--","app":"OC\\Authentication\\Token\\DefaultTokenProvider::invalidateToken","method":"PROPFIND","url":"\/remote.php\/dav\/","message":"invalidating token 4ab4c4992f6314f9743ae5901c858b0fa77ef25650a00c6aa8b34b32c1bea4c0870597213bc11ce370264184de992f26ff6995c3b5ede84bfec1c95cd3478b94"}

Now I have followed the many links I have found via Owncloud and Nextcloud but from all the advice given there I have still drawn a blank?

I have tried the following:
Machine name
Network IP

but still no entries under My Calender’s?
Access from my android phone and tablet work fine as does Thunderbird on my desktop and also webdav via Nemo? I have also verified that Apache is set correctly.

All assistance would be appreciated!

Well a whole series of in-depth document reading, no end of checking configurations and reading and rereading post after post of others experiences. It boils down to this.

I had one simple thing missing from my vhosts file. The ServerName attribute!

It just goes to show that when looking for a solution to any challenge start with the first layer. I am posting this just for completeness should any other poor soul find themselves spending 10+ hours down the rabbit hole…
A win is a win though!