On this page: https://www.home-assistant.io/components/tplink/ I saw that the device has the classification “local polling”.
Is there a way to find all devices mentioned here with class local polling or push?
hm, I’m interested to know this as well. Didn’t think about it, but it’d be an easy way to create a shopping list for devices that support local operation. There may be devices out there that have a component already that I could swap for a cloud connected device, but I’d have to know about them in order to research them…
Not very convenient, but search the documentation github for the string “ha_iot_class: Local Polling”
Better still:
git clone https://github.com/home-assistant/home-assistant.io
cd home-assistant.io
grep -i "ha_iot_class: Local Push" * -r
grep -i "ha_iot_class: Local Polling" * -r
Being able to search or filter the integrations by polling type would be super nice.
Read the post above yours.
I did, and that was helpful. I meant on actual Integrations page.
Or even having an icon indicating the IoT Class on each integration tile would be hugely helpful.
It is listed on every integration page. But yes, filtering there would be good.
Local Polling
- acer_projector
- actiontec
- adax
- adguard
- advantage_air
- agent_dvr
- airq
- airthings_ble
- airtouch4
- airvisual_pro
- airzone
- amcrest
- androidtv
- android_ip_webcam
- anel_pwrctrl
- apcupsd
- aquostv
- arcam_fmj
- arest
- arris_tg2492lg
- aruba
- arwn
- asterisk_cdr
- asuswrt
- atag
- aten_pe
- aurora_abb_powerone
- avea
- awair
- bayesian
- bbox
- beewi_smartclim
- binary_sensor.rest
- blackbird
- blebox
- blinksticklight
- bluesound
- bluetooth_tracker
- brandt
- braviatv
- broadlink
- brother
- bsblan
- bt_home_hub_5
- bt_smarthub
- camera.ffmpeg
- cast
- ccm15
- channels
- cisco_ios
- cisco_mobility_express
- clementine
- climate.mqtt
- cmus
- comelit
- command_line
- concord232
- control4
- coolmaster
- cozytouch
- cppm_tracker
- cups
- daikin
- danfoss_air
- ddwrt
- decora
- deluge
- denon
- devialet
- devolo_home_network
- digital_ocean
- directv
- dlink
- dlna_dms
- doods
- dormakaba_dkey
- dovado
- dremel_3d_printer
- dte_energy_bridge
- dunehd
- eastron
- ebusd
- ecoal_boiler
- ecoforest
- eddystone_temperature
- edimax
- egardia
- elgato
- elv
- emoncms
- emoncms_history
- emonitor
- enigma2
- enphase_envoy
- ephember
- epson
- epsonworkforce
- esera_onewire
- eufy
- everlights
- evil_genius_labs
- fail2ban
- familyhub
- file
- filesize
- fire_tv
- fivem
- fjaraskupan
- flexit
- flexit_bacnet
- flexom
- folder
- folder_watcher
- fortios
- foscam
- freebox
- fritz
- fritzbox
- fritzbox_callmonitor
- fronius
- frontier_silicon
- fujitsu_anywair
- fully_kiosk
- futurenow
- gardena_bluetooth
- gc100
- generic_hygrostat
- generic_thermostat
- geniushub
- glances
- goalzero
- gogogate2
- goodwe
- google_wifi
- gpsd
- gree
- greenwave
- gtfs
- guardian
- harman_kardon_avr
- hassio
- hddtemp
- heatmiser
- heiwa
- hexaom
- hikvisioncam
- hisense_aehw4a1
- history_stats
- hitron_coda
- hi_kumo
- holiday
- homewizard
- horizon
- hp_ilo
- huawei_lte
- hunterdouglas_powerview
- ialarm
- iammeter
- iglo
- improv_ble
- incomfort
- intellifire
- iotawatt
- iperf3
- ipp.md:ha_iot_class: Local Polling
- itunes
- izone
- jellyfin
- jvc_projector
- kankun
- keba
- keenetic_ndms2
- kef
- kostal_plenticore
- kulersky
- kwb
- lacrosse
- lametric
- landisgyr_heat_meter
- led_ble
- lg_netcast
- lg_soundbar
- lidarr
- lifx
- linksys_smart
- linux_battery
- livisi
- local_calendar
- local_file
- local_ip
- local_todo
- luci
- lupusec
- lutron
- luxaflex
- lw12wifi
- maxcube
- medcom_ble
- mediaroom
- melnor
- mfi
- mikrotik
- mill
- minecraft_server
- mochad
- modbus
- modem_callerid
- modern_forms
- mold_indicator
- monessen
- monoprice
- motioneye
- mpd
- mqtt_eventstream
- mutesync
- mystrom
- nad
- nam
- netdata
- netgear
- netgear_lte
- netio
- nexity
- nibe_heatpump
- niko_home_control
- nmap_tracker
- nuki
- nut
- nzbget
- obihai
- octoprint
- oem
- ombi
- onewire
- onkyo
- openevse
- opengarage
- openhardwaremonitor
- openhome
- opnsense
- opple
- osramlightify
- otbr
- otp
- overkiz
- p1_monitor
- panasonic_bluray
- panasonic_viera
- pandora
- pencom
- philips_js
- ping
- pioneer
- pi_hole
- pjlink
- plugwise
- powerwall
- progettihwsw
- proliphix
- proxmoxve
- prusalink
- ps4
- pulseaudio_loopback
- pure_energie
- pyload
- qbittorrent
- qnap
- qnap_qsw
- quadrafire
- quantum_gateway
- qvr_pro
- radarr
- radiotherm
- rainbird
- rainforest_eagle
- rainmachine
- recswitch
- refoss
- renson
- repetier
- rest
- rexel
- roborock
- roku
- rpi_camera
- rpi_power
- rtorrent
- ruckus_unleashed
- russound_rnet
- ruuvi_gateway
- sabnzbd
- saj
- scsgate
- season
- sensor.rest
- serial
- serial_pm
- seven_segments
- sfr_box
- simu
- simulated
- skybeacon
- sky_hub
- sma
- smarty
- sms
- snmp
- solaredge_local
- solarlog
- solax
- soma
- somfy
- sonarr
- sony_projector
- soundtouch
- sql
- squeezebox
- starlink
- statistics
- steamist
- stiebel_eltron
- supervisord
- swisscom
- switch.rest
- switchmate
- syncthing
- syncthru
- synology_dsm
- synology_srm
- tailwind
- tapsaff
- tautulli
- tcp
- ted5000
- telnet
- temper
- tensorflow
- tesla_wall_connector
- tfiac
- thinkingcleaner
- thomson
- thread
- threshold
- tikteck
- tmb
- tolo
- tomato
- touchline
- tplink
- tplink_lte
- tplink_omada
- traccar
- tradfri
- transmission
- twinkly
- ubiwizz
- ubus
- unifiled
- unifi_direct
- upc_connect
- upnp
- uvc
- v2c
- vallox
- velux
- venstar
- vera
- vermont_castings
- versasense
- vilfo
- vivotek
- vizio
- vlc
- vlc_telnet
- vodafone_station
- volkszaehler
- volumio
- water_heater.mqtt
- wilight
- workday
- worxlandroid
- ws66i
- x10
- xeoma
- xiaomi
- xiaomi_miio
- xs1
- yamaha
- yardian
- yeelightsunflower
- yi
- youless
- zabbix
- zengge
- zerproc
- zeversolar
- zha
- ziggo_mediabox_xl
- zoneminder
Local Push
- 3_day_blinds
- acmeda
- ads
- alarmdecoder
- alert
- amp_motorization
- androidtv_remote
- anthemav
- apache_kafka
- apple_tv
- aqualogic
- aranet
- assist_pipeline
- asterisk_mbox
- august_ble
- axis
- baf
- balboa
- binary_sensor.rflink
- binary_sensor.xiaomi_aqara
- bliss_automation
- bloc_blinds
- bluemaestro
- bluetooth
- bluetooth_adapters
- bluetooth_le_tracker
- bond
- bosch_shc
- brel_home
- browser
- bswitch
- bthome
- comfoconnect
- conversation
- cover.template
- cover.xiaomi_aqara
- cpuspeed
- cribl
- datadog
- debugpy
- deconz
- denonavr
- devolo_home_control
- dhcp
- diaz
- digital_loggers
- dlib_face_detect
- dlib_face_identify
- dlna_dmr
- doorbird
- dooya
- drop_connect
- dsmr
- dsmr_reader
- duotecno
- dynalite
- ecowitt
- edl21
- elkm1
- emby
- emulated_hue
- emulated_kasa
- emulated_roku
- enocean
- envisalink
- escea
- esphome
- eufylife_ble
- facebox
- fan.template
- fibaro
- filter
- firmata
- flic
- flux_led
- forked_daapd
- gaviota
- generic
- govee_ble
- graphite
- greeneye_monitor
- gstreamer
- harmony
- havana_shade
- hdmi_cec
- heltun
- heos
- hikvision
- hlk_sw16
- homekit
- homekit_controller
- homematic
- homeseer
- homeworks
- http
- hue
- hurrican_shutters_wholesale
- hyperion
- ibeacon
- idasen_desk
- idteck_prox
- ihc
- influxdb
- inkbird
- inspired_shades
- insteon
- integration
- ismartwindow
- isy994
- jasco
- kaleidescape
- kegtron
- keyboard
- keyboard_remote
- kira
- kmtronic
- knx
- kodi
- konnected
- lannouncer
- lcn
- ld2410_ble
- leviton_z_wave
- light.template
- light.xiaomi_aqara
- lirc
- litejet
- lock.template
- lock.xiaomi_aqara
- lookin
- loqed
- lutron_caseta
- manual_mqtt
- marantz
- martec
- marytts
- matter
- mjpeg
- moat
- mobile_app
- moehlenhoff_alpha2
- mopeka
- motionmount.md:ha_iot_class: Local Push
- motion_blinds
- mqtt
- mqtt_json
- mqtt_room
- mqtt_statestream
- mycroft
- mysensors
- nanoleaf
- ness_alarm
- network
- nfandroidtv
- nobo_hub
- notify.tts
- numato
- nutrichef
- nx584
- onvif
- opencv
- opentherm_gw
- oralb
- orvibo
- owntracks
- pcs_lighting
- persistent_notification
- picotts
- pilight
- piper
- plex
- plum_lightpad
- private_ble_device
- push
- qingping
- qwikswitch
- rapt_ble
- raven_rock_mfg
- recorder
- remote_rpi_gpio
- reolink
- rest_command
- rfxtrx
- rhasspy
- risco
- roomba
- roon
- rss_feed_template
- rtsp_to_webrtc
- russound_rio
- ruuvitag_ble
- samsungtv
- satel_integra
- screenaway
- screenlogic
- sensirion_ble
- sensor.ios
- sensor.rflink
- sensor.xiaomi_aqara
- sensorblue
- sensorpro
- sensorpush
- shelly
- shell_command
- shopping_list
- sia
- simply_automated
- sisyphus
- slimproto
- smart_blinds
- smart_home
- snapcast
- snips
- snooz
- songpal
- sonos
- spc
- splunk
- ssdp
- statsd
- stream
- switch.template
- switch.xiaomi_aqara
- switchbee
- switchbot
- switcher_kis
- symfonisk
- syslog
- systemmonitor
- system_bridge
- tasmota
- template
- thermobeacon
- thermoplus
- thermopro
- thethingsnetwork
- third_reality
- tilt_ble
- time_date
- torque
- unifi
- unifiprotect
- upb
- uprise_smart_shades
- uptime
- usb
- utility_meter
- vacuum.template
- velbus
- version
- voice_assistant
- voip
- w800rf32
- wake_on_lan
- weatherflow
- webostv
- wemo
- whisper
- wiffi
- wiz
- wled
- worldclock
- wyoming
- xiaomi_aqara
- xiaomi_ble
- yalexs_ble
- yamaha_musiccast
- yeelight
- zeroconf
- zhong_hong
- zwave_js
- zwave_me