Local realtime person detection for RTSP cameras

Thanks Blake

Maybe as a final question, could it have something to do with user rights?
dont have a specific docker user configured

I don’t think so.

well, look at his permission rights. Only root can access the USB key.

@patfee how is docker run on the synology? by root user?

@S1eepy, using patfee as the user

I can’t wait to test your new HA integration: any hint when we can start to test these new Frigate features?

Thanks for your work!

I’m hoping to release a beta version this weekend. Some big features in the next release, and there will be several breaking changes. Here is some of the stuff that’s coming:


  • Up to 4 unique streams can be provided for each camera and assigned the following roles:
    • detect: stream used for object detection
    • clips: stream used for clips
    • record: stream used for 24/7 recording
    • rtmp: stream re-broadcasted by frigate as a RTMP feed for homeassistant
  • 24/7 recording of video streams with retention management
  • Clips are maintained in a local database and served up via an api
  • Clip retention policy (per camera/object)
  • Complete revamp of MQTT event messages for easy notification setup
  • Improved calculation for best images
  • MQTT topics now publish object type counts rather than just on/off
  • Zeroconf publish for homeassistant autodiscovery

Frigate Integration:

  • Media browser for both 24/7 recordings and clips
  • Automatic creation of sensor entities for stats and detection sensors
  • Automatic creation of camera entities for live feeds and last objects
  • Discovery support via zeroconf
  • Endpoint for publicly accessible notification images


Oh, all these look great!
I guess that if you use just one stream type (high res) for all the four roles, frigate will query just one stream (saving bandwidth), right?

That’s right.

When will gpu dual support be added?

There were only 8 people that indicated interest in GPU support for running object detection. Since TensorRT doesn’t support the same version of python that frigate needs, it cannot be easily added directly. The simplest way to add GPU support would be to add DOODS as a detector type, but it didn’t seem like anyone was that interested in testing DOODS with their GPUs. Once TensorRT supports python 3.8, it will be easier to add support directly.

hi there,
will this work on raspberry pi 4b or rpi3?

Wow, I have a Windows VM on Unraid just for Blue Iris to run 24/7 for my camera recording. These new features sound like it might be able to replace that setup. Now I’m trying to think of reasons to keep Blue Iris. I’m excited!

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If you think of any reasons, let me know and I will eliminate them. :wink:


Same here. I use a Dockerized Zoneminder along with Frigate but I may be able to scrap ZM altogether since I’m only using it for 24/7 recording and manual triggering of events when Frigate detects something.

Thanks for all your hard work @blakeblackshear!

There’s a couple of things I like about my current setup with Zoneminder and Frigate together:

  1. I can change “run states” in Zoneminder so that I can have a different set of cameras (and modes for each of those cameras) enabled or disabled at various times of the day.
  2. I can use Zoneminder’s motion detection features and alter the appropriate detection thresholds to record clips in addition to having Frigate externally trigger clip recording in Zoneminder. So I can record for both motion (unidentified objects) and detected objects.

If Frigate could do that too, I would have every reason to dump ZM!

EDIT: I should also add that I use the “zmninjapro” Mac app to view all my cameras and clips quickly and easily. I’ve gotten used to the interface, but wouldn’t mind if I moved everything over to HA.

Adding switches to turn recording/detection on and off is definitely on the todo list. You will be able to use homeassistant automations to customize that however you want.

You mean like motion clips to record even if no objects are detected? There is definitely a way to calculate a value for motion, so that should be possible too. Should be fairly simple to incorporate into the existing event framework.

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I also, use BI for the motion detections, however it generates a lot of false detections (I probably needed to fine tune it a bit) so I rely more on frigate, as it is pretty good, but it would be nice to have the option for this.

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This is the only thing stopping me from using Frigate for more than playing around :slight_smile: Looking forward to it! Great work @blakeblackshear

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@blakeblackshear Adding switches to turn recording/detection on and off is definitely on the todo list. You will be able to use homeassistant automations to customize that however you want.

That would be super awesome to have!

You mean like motion clips to record even if no objects are detected? There is definitely a way to calculate a value for motion, so that should be possible too. Should be fairly simple to incorporate into the existing event framework.

Yep, that’s exactly what I am thinking. With Zoneminder, I can create zones much like can do in Frigate with an image map, and then I can set particular parameters for detecting motion within that zone - like the amount of pixel variation, the min/max size of the variation, etc. (see ZoneMinder Wiki - Wiki - Defining Zones for more details). Frigate wouldn’t have to be that elaborate, but to have some control over it would be great as well.