I’m getting a lot of errors in the terminal output when running frigate:
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x555725053140] moov atom not found
/tmp/cache/driveway-20201216144516.mp4: Invalid data found when processing input
frigate.events INFO : bad file: driveway-20201216144516.mp4
[mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x5555881a1140] moov atom not found
/tmp/cache/backyard-20201216144514.mp4: Invalid data found when processing input
frigate.events INFO : bad file: backyard-20201216144514.mp4
watchdog.driveway INFO : Terminating the existing ffmpeg process...
watchdog.driveway INFO : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...
watchdog.backyard INFO : Terminating the existing ffmpeg process...
watchdog.backyard INFO : Waiting for ffmpeg to exit gracefully...
Those are related to the process that checks the cached video files used for clips. Frigate writes 10 second segments directly from the camera to disk. Before assembling a clip from those cached segments, it uses ffprobe to check the integrity of the mp4 file. The errors you are seeing are from that ffprobe check. For some reason, those cache segments have invalid data. Most of the time, it is because the ffmpeg process saving them exited before it was finished writing the file (ie. the “Terminating the existing ffmpeg process…”).
It is expected to happen when ffmpeg loses connection to your camera. If you can get the camera stream to stabilize, that series of errors should go away. I would try setting to ffmpeg logs on one camera to something higher than fatal to see why ffmpeg is exiting.
Great, thanks for that. Its a camera I actually wasn’t planning on monitoring with Frigate and was just using it for testing purposes so I’ll probably just remove it from the config and be on my way. Although all my cameras are the same and that particular one was the only one giving me issues. If I have the same problem with the others I’ll do as you suggest.
Thanks for the great program (yes, I still call them that and not apps)!
Does the NVR output an RTMP stream? I’ve never seen online where it does, and I’ve got B800 camera’s so I can’t use a stream direct from the camera.
It’s live, although there’s a few seconds delay but I think that’s normal. I’ve stood outside in the camera range and saw myself while it jumped around lol. And the HA stream of the same camera stays solid.
I did start to wonder if I had too many connections to the NVR. I had setup Frigate, HA, Tiny Cam on my phone and my tv. So now I’ve spun up Neolink in an Ubuntu LXC and connecting that to the NVR. Now Frigate and Tiny Cam are both connecting to Neolink instead of direct to the NVR, and Frigate is rebroadcasting an RTMP stream that I’m using for the camera stream in HA. So far, it’s been solid this way and stayed through a reboot when I updated to 2020.12
For my 10th Gen processor, I’ve rebuild the ffmpeg binary in my 0.8.0-beta1 container and installed the required drivers ./configure --enable-libmfx && make -j8 && make install
As stated on https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/Hardware/QuickSync
Just wanted to check if it was on your plans to include the ability to turn on/off saving clips dynamically? For example, I don’t really care to save clips on cameras inside my house when I’m home. I saw a couple similar FRs in github, but dont think i saw this one specifically