Hi I am trying to setup some smart curtains (nhc branded HC-Betterlife curtains) in local tuya. I managed to get the local key etc and added the device but am having trouble with the options when adding as a cover. I am faced with the following
Open_Close_Stop Commands Set:
Positioning mode:
Current Position (for *position* mode only)
101 (value: 0)
102 (value: STOP)
103 (value: True)
Set Position (for *position* mode only)
101 (value: 0)
102 (value: STOP)
103 (value: True)
Invert 0-100 position (for *position* mode only)
Full opening time, in secs. (for *timed* mode only)
How do I get this information ? Currently the cover device shows but is dimmed out in the dashboard.
It would be a great help if you could share your solutions toward this please. I am struggling with it even after having looked on tuya iot site for the device specific…
Any advice also would be kind.
My main issue was selecting the wrong option for ID on initial add. (This option is missing on later edits). Eventually I removed the device and added a new one selecting DP 102 for the ID. The other options were all the first ones (the values between 0 to 100). I also had to select the invert option.
The options other than the first ID option are not as important and you can change them with trial and error without having to delete and recreate the device.
Thank you so much, your advice and that log done the trick!
It was frustrating to have been stuck on this when the other devices on local tuya were straight forward.
Now I can get on and hang the curtains.
After chaning to DP Instruction mode, I am able to see multiple options for Device ID and Current Position, Set Position. With many trials, this is the best option for my curtain:
ok after playing a lot with the cover option on a nemfis WIFIWC10WT with local tuya works as follow. ver 1.01 need o/c/s commands 1,2,3 and positiong mode none. but for ver 1.5.5 needs o/c/s as open.stop.close and postitiong mode to be timed. also for time is 40 to 50 sec.
There goes my configuration, as it might help someone in the future.
When adding an entity of type cover, you add all the relevant DPs to that entity. These are the configuration sub-entities that are provided by the tuya cover.
Therefore in my case:
The main DP (open_close_stop) was DP1, as it provides the current state of the cover
The current position DP was DP3, as it provides the percentage of how closed is the cover.
The set position DP was DP2, as it provides a way to tell the cover to set itself at a specific %. In the tuya API it is usually set to zero if you have not done this before.