I just got it to work accidentally on purpose?
I had another local tuya control issue with some light scenes. Long story short, through that exercise, I got deep enough into the local tuya code to be dangerous and I provided a silly workaround which I am prefacing by saying is not the correct approach but is working without adverse effects.
Remembering back how Local Tuya kept detecting two fans as fans and the rest as DPS 1 Entities. The DPS 1 Entities all worked, the imported fans all failed full control. I could not figure out why two fans are recognized differently, nor do I know how to make them be recognized differently. But what I did was change copy the requirements to match the requirements of the fans that were working.
I know the first time local tuya pushes an update, this will be borked, but if I get full local control of all my fans again, I don’t care and I will keep overwriting the code. I’m putting this here because apparently a bunch of us have tuya fans and they’re all different and they all behave differently (even if bought in the same batch) and maybe this will help somebody coming behind me.