Local Tuya Help

Not with localtuya but you can create a template based sensor and set it as true, if localtuya is true, otherwise false

Thanks for the Info.
But how can i saved the last state?
If Window is open, the state is open for 10 Seconds. After 10 Seconds the device is unavailable. And the same when the Window is closed. 10 Seconds is closed after that state is unavailable too. So i must check the last correct state.


{{ states('binary_sensor.bla_bla') == true }}

Try this in developer tools

THis show always false when the device is unavailable.

Now i have create a helper switch and an automation.
If Sensor change from unavailable or off > on = Window open (Helper on)
If Sensor change from unavailable or on > off = Window closed (Helper off)



I found the Local Tuya integration works great for a while. Had it for a year and now its completely crapped itself. From an initial look (have not had the time to dig into it), it seems like certain devices stopped receiving on/off signals. Some devices seemed offline and were, some showed offline but weren’t. I looked at the developer portal and had to renew for another 6 months but still now having issues. I am sure I will eventual fix these issues.

My main question to everyone here is:

What is your plan once you have done your 1.5years of “trial” license for Tuya dev. I don’t really want to be spending hours re-configuring this every year. Is this what people are just accepting? Seems to me like buying the Core IOT package which you need to have is cost prohibitive.

Penny for your thoughts? :slight_smile:

Luckily I registered my dev account with Tuya long before October 15, 2021. Thus there seems to be no such thing like an expiry date for my account. It simply works with Local Tuya without any hiccups. Getting a new key after a device reset is not bringing up any problems. Just did it for some switches after a power blackout a few days ago. Even adding new devices is working flawlessly (at least for the time being).

The price tag for their subscriptions for end users is simply ridiculous or they don’t want end users to register a developer account. The company behind Tuya is driven by greed and nothing more than greed.

Their disguise to be end user friendly by developing that “official” Tuya integration for HA, developed to control Powered by Tuya (PBT) devices using the officially maintained Tuya Open API was a joke right from the beginning and little more than a marketing move to lure unsuspecting potential Tuya device buyers into an overpriced liable to pay subscription. Their pompous announcement for it here with the forum was a joke: As soon as their integration got officially implemented into HA and the misery started the Tuya “support team” on the forum just disappeared leaving the HA devs, the forum admins and the community alone with a desperate user base…

As for me personally I never recommend Tuya devices to anybody anymore after they started that paid subscription scheme except for ZigBee products labeled also as “Tuya based” since those just connect to all sorts of ZigBee coordinators compatible with Z2M for HA with no need for their Smart Life App nor their proprietary ZigBee gateway.

After your existing devices have died but latest after your “trial” license has expired switch to Zigbee or else and avoid Tuya wherever you can :rofl:

Hi all,

I just bought a new Lamp for our Living room.
The old one was just working with a “hue like” lightbulb - but I didn’t liked the fact that it had a seperate switch…

Anyway - the new one “unfortunately” has also a dedicated switch (which will disconnect the lamp in the end)…

Anyway - not related to my topic at all.
Now… the new Lamp is using Zigbee - so I thought - it should be possible to add the device into the hue app… less configuration at all, since a Hue Hub etc. is already running and working with other Zigbee lights.

Unfortunately, the light did not appear in the Hue app - even after several attempts of resetting it, etc.
So I decided to go with Tuya… (which I haven’t used at all until now)…
And yes, the light did show up - without the need to add any hub or similar… it seems to work directly over WiFi (because I can see it does have an IP Address).

So… created a developer account, linked the app with it, and added the devices.
Everything fine so far…
But - IF Possible, I would like to go with a local setup, rather than using any cloud service… at least, since the Device seems to be working within my LAN…

I am now trying to setup the Local Tuya integration, but the following configuration Dialog “hit me” somehow unexpected… I just don’t know, what I should configure here… o.O



But … I guess, the device still requires the Cloud option, at least, to be added and so on…
so it isn’t a complete “local” setup…?
It will only be controlled locally by pushing commands to the device, instead of polling something from the cloud service?!

I don’t know the answer to your question, but I watched a YouTube video yesterday and the bloke was setting up a globe under local Tuya and he covers those fields https://youtu.be/2kfv0W80NYk

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thanks, that helped me by alot :slight_smile:

Hi dadopq,
Is there any update on how well the LocalTuya is working? I am still on the fence about committing to help a friend with 34 Costco Globe WB2S Product name 50323 fixtures. They are having issues with the SmartLife app controlling them, I originally thought HA would be the answer, but not after what I am seeing in the forum.
Thank you,

I gave up on tuya and local tuya and went on zigbee devices. Tuya wifi devices just don’t work for me. Some will say oh this is because you have cheap router, you don’t know how to set up your network properly etc.
But this just doesn’t work. I spent enough time trying to make this work and it just doesn’t work.
For my point of view its lot cheaper to buy more expensive zigbee device and have a piece of mind than to fight with tuya wifi devices over and over again.

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I am using localtuya on;

  • covers
  • lights
  • garage door
    old tuya integration (yes it is still working fine) for;
  • climate
    new tuya integration for;
  • temperature and humidity sensors
  • contact sensors

Hi, I have 4 Tuya devices in my smart life app and I am trying to get them into local Tuya.
I can see them all in my iot project and have got my client ID and secret.
When I try to add the Local Tuya integration I fill out the Cloud api account configuration with all the correct details but get the following error: “Failed to retrieve device list. Error 1106: permission deny”

I have tried both my app login / password details and my iot detail but same result. Any ideas why this is happening?

On Tuya’s IoT portal, go to Cloud > Developer and click to edit your project, then take a look on the IP allowlist if your IP is included there (or you can disable it):

The IP allow list is not enabled.

On that same dialog where you see the IP whitelist, click on the Devices tab. Can you see your devices there?

And still in the devices tab, can you see your Tuya app connected on the “Link Tuya app account” sub-tab?

On the integration at Home Assistant, are you trying to login with your Tuya IoT account or with your app (Smart Life?) account?
You should use the user id from the Link Tuya App Account (picture above).

Thank you very much.
The last link you showed me showed my UID. worked at last!
Being a noob i’d been using my app username. Duh.
All a learning curve.
Thanks again.

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I’ve started a project on my home heating. Goal is to heat per room. bought some wifi devices.

  • Wifi diy Smart Switches. * Wifi curtain switches. * Wifi TRV’s * Wifi thermostats.
    Having them all in smartlife app working. configured an tuya Iot account, all devices are shown.
    When configuring local tuya in HA supervised only switches are shown and can be configured fully automatic without any problem and working.
    Tried everything to manually configure the missing devices. result=Cannot connect to device. Verify that address is correct and try again. Checked confuguration of switches so I think I’m doing nothing wrong. Manually add a switch is no problem
    Only difference I see is all the devices connectred to the grid are working, those with batteries fail to connect.
    Has anyone experience in “waking them up” or is it something different?

Hi everyone,

For me local Tuya works until I try to cut the internet connection of the devices.
I did not find a manual how to block them without gering Zombies.
Any hind for me ?


I have just a pair of Tuya devices remaining (changed almost everything to other solutions) and they are connected to the Internet, although they can support some internet unavailability via Local Tuya integration.

Anyways, I haven’t tried, but in this video he talks about using Tuya device without needing the cloud not even to get the keys, so maybe it can work for you.
This is his second video about Local Tuya. Take a look: