Local tuya integration uses old IP numbers - how to update to the new numbers?


I restarted my devices mutliple times after I’ve configured local tuya. I wanted to add one of the devices which didn’t have fixed IP number on my DHCP server. In the local tuya “Add device…” menu I can see the wrong/old IP number. Moreover, this wrong, not responsive IP number is also show in the logs:

2022-10-20 12:19:07 DEBUG (MainThread) [custom_components.localtuya.discovery] Discovered device: {'ip': '', 'gwId': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX', 'active': 2, 'ablilty': 0, 'encrypt': True, 'productKey': 'XXXXXXXXXXX', 'version': '3.3'}

The above is not available, the device has different IP number now.

The device is definitely up-and-running (I can use it from tuya app) so it must be present but having a different IP. How can I force local tuya to refresh this information? I restarted HA core multiple times but it doesn’t help.

Replying to myself: for some reason after restarting the device and home assistant the components were discovered correctly.