Local url vs domainname pointing to same HA instance

Hi there!

I have a VPN server at home which I use for connecting to my home assistant instance while I am away from home.

Instead of using a local ip address to connect to, I have configured a domain name
(myhomeassistant.mydomainname.com) which is only resolving to a local ip address (192.168.178.XX). This works all very well.

Last week our network provider had an issue (no connection at all) and I could not login to my home assistant while I was at home. The domainname could not get resolved to the ip address.

To solve this issue, I also added a second server in the Home assistant companion app. Unfortunately this is causing issues with the push notifications to the app.
Sometimes it is saying that it is calling an unknown service (notify.mobile_app_phone1), probably because the phone has a different name in the local configuration vs the domainname configuration.

Any suggestions how to solve this?
Not sure if there is a risk if I give the device the same name twice.

You could use an internal DNS resolver. Either a caching DNS server or ADGuard (or something similar) to resolve the internal call.

Or, my android app has an external connection URL and an Internal connection URL. It looks like it uses WiFi SSID to decide.

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Thanks for the explanation . I was looking at the server settings but I found it at Settings > companion app.

After setting the my ssid of my local network, the local url field became visible.

It now automatically switches to the local url while being at home

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Great. I was hoping I wasn’t the only one that had cool shit like that :slight_smile: