Home Assistant is very widespread and it is used very often also in Europe, simple searches in various languages can prove it.
It is gettin IMO ridiculous that it still supports (natively) only US date and time format and decimal separator.
I would like to see a setting in the system preferences with the option to pick the locale I prefer, independently from the underlying operating system: I may choose to set the server in English but display date and time would be visible to all members of the family, therefore I need to manually pick a different locale.
It seems a long overdue setting, I cannot keep making templates to replace date/time format… There is quite a number of help requests on the topic indicating that it’s a useful feature.
I can pick time, and number format however the date format is imposed based on the language selected. WTH, why?? In order for me to get European formatted dates I have to switch from English (US) to English GB which I would prefer not to do. Anyway that just gives me DD-MM-YYYY which is not perfect either as I am a European living in the USA so now the US folks in my family are confused… lol. Ideally I’d like to set it to the international standard of YYYY-MM-DD to eliminate confusion.
Please disassociate the date format from the language setting… and add a configuration for date here:
It’s maddening, it should take dates from your locale. It’s 2022, users should be able to pick their date format at a system level and stick with it.