Location automation not triggering

I’ve used the zone trigger automations for over a month now and now none of them are working.
I have two that I test regularly:

  1. Leaving home
  2. Arriving home
    Both of these trigger z-wave and zigbee devices but I checked the logs and the automation is not executed at all. I have rebooted and have the latest software.

Any suggestions?

Can you please show the code of your zone based automations? Otherwise it will be impossible to help you.

entity_id: person.brian_lane
event: enter
platform: zone
zone: zone.home


entity_id: person.brian_lane
event: leave
platform: zone
zone: zone.home

I think it might be important to add that all my zigbee devices have been constantly going from unavailable to back to available for an unknown amount of time. Last night I rebooted my system and HA did not load. I switched the ethernet port while it was trying to start up and that fixed all my issues (zone triggers, zigbee devices, and unable to boot up).

I switched from tracking person/user to tracking the device and it works now