Location not updated


As many people here, the location is not updated regularly.
Even with full fresh update, no data restriction, no battery restriction, full autorisation.

For my xiaomi MI 9, data is updated, but i don’t know why, the date is updated at 12H ( i leave home at 8h )
For the S6 of my wife, it’s updated twice a week …

Any idea ? Polling the device ?

Good to know :

  • Notifications works ( but update location message seems not )

The only thing we can do is check these things: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/troubleshooting/faqs/#location-is-not-updating-in-android-app


Location is not updating in Android app

If you find that location updates are not coming in here are a few things to check.

  1. Ensure the app has location permissions granted, all the time.

2. Turn off battery optimizations for the app.

3. Ensure that the location toggles are enabled in App Configuration in the Android app.

4. Turn on unrestricted data for the Android app

But :

I was at work from 9h to 13h an other city during lunch and back to work from 14h to 19h

try: https://companion.home-assistant.io/docs/troubleshooting/faqs/#starting-fresh-with-the-android-app

if that doesn’t work file a issue on github mentioning the steps you took and filling out the issue template

Already tried. (And also new home assistant)
I will create an issue :slight_smile: