Hi, yesterday, all of a sudden lovelace stopped working. My HA OS is installed on a microSD card on a RPi3 B+. I can ping the Pi. But can’t retrieve anything from HA backend. On my iOS app I get the NSURLErrorDomain -1004 error. Nothing else. Where can I find the actual logs on the microSD card so I can post em here for further help?
By the way, HA was so easy to setup that I read the instructions once last year, set it up and forgot about it. So, I have minimal knowledge about the structure of the system. Bear with me please. Also, Last update I did on the HA core and OS was about two months ago if that helps in any form.
This is the path for an HA Supervised installation and (no guarantees) it may be the same for an HA OS installation.
thanks for the answer. i connected the RP to a monitor. It’s in a continuous boot loop. Managed to pick up at least one error: low voltage. looks like the power adapter is giving out!