Location sensing: moving between zones

I use Owntracks to update positioning throughout a couple of zones, which works well enough. Is it possible to set the location value of someone who is actively moving to something like “en route”? Like if longitude/lattitude has changed by X amount (distance) over time between updates, status is en route?

Any other way y’all could think of that would allow me to trigger things when someone is on the move?

I’m not an owntracks user, but I thought velocity was one of the metrics it supported.

It displays velocity but its velocity in any direction not towards a particular zone.

Actually velocity in any direction would be fine for me – I mostly just want to know if someone is on the move versus stationary.

The proximity component can show towards/away from a zone.

ok you should be able to get it by creating a MQTT sensor.

- platform: mqtt
  state_topic: "owntracks/yourname/yourname_loc/step"
  name: "Owntracks test"
  value_template: "{{ value_json.val}}"

I have not tested it as vac only appears when there is movement. The sensor might fail at first as there wont be a value to show. it should just say unknown though.

The owntrack website states the following:
The acc, alt, cog, vac, vel elements are only added if they are not zero
vel velocity (iOS/integer/kmh/optional)

If its optional it need to be activated by creating a settings file for owntracks. I have done this when I first set it up but it was a real pain and I cant remember how I got it to work.