Location tracking failure after using airplane mode


I circled my country (Israel) as a zone on HA, I use it as a condition in some of my automations, so these atutomations will disabled when I’m away abroad.

Recently I travled abroad and noticed a serious failure as my personal entity location got “stucked” during the entire trip on a random location few KMs from the airport I took off from.

I have no idea what is going on here. I’m only guessing it as somthing to do with the airplane mode, because I toggled the airplane mode on air, roughly around the area where this random location I saw I got “stucked” on. But as soon as we landed I toggled the airplane mode off again, and yet, nothing changed. What could have gone wrong?

I use LG Velvet with Android 12


Start with these steps then keep reading for the logs

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