Location tracking for common household items with voice

I’d like to propose a novelty feature that could significantly enhance our daily lives by helping us keep track of where we store our household items. This feature would be particularly beneficial for households where multiple people store and retrieve hundreds of items, as well as for individuals who have difficulty remembering where things are placed. Additionally, it could serve as a valuable tool for people with visual impairments, offering them an easier way to locate objects in their home.

Feature Overview

The proposed feature would allow Home Assistant to maintain a database of object locations based on voice commands. When storing an object, the user could inform the voice assistant of the object’s location. For instance, a user could say, “I’m placing the ebook in the second drawer” or “I’m putting the TV warranty in the top shelf.” The system would then store this information, along with the room where the command was issued, allowing the user or others to quickly find the object later by simply asking where it is.

Key Benefits

  1. Simplifies Object Retrieval:

    • No more searching through every drawer or cabinet. Simply ask Home Assistant where the object is, and it will tell you the last recorded location. Or suggest a posible location based on similar items.
  2. Supports Multiple Users:

    • Perfect for households where different members may store items. Anyone can retrieve information about where an object was last placed.
  3. Accessible for Visually Impaired Users:

    • This feature can make everyday life easier for those with visual impairments, enabling them to locate objects in their home without assistance.
  4. Cost-Effective and Simple:

    • No need to rely on NFC tags or Bluetooth trackers allowing thousands of items to be tracked in a natural way. (However, the feature could be made compatible with NFC, QR codes or Bluetooth systems in the future, offering even more flexibility for users who have those technologies already in place).

Software Changes Required

  1. Database Schema Update:

    • Introduce a new table to store object names, their associated locations, and the timestamp of when the object was stored. The schema would include fields such as object_name, location_description, room_name, timestamp and any other field such as tags that may be needed further down the road.
  2. Creation of a Known Storage Locations Database:

    • Create a database of known locations within the home (e.g., “top drawer,” “black cabinet,” “second shelf”) specific to each room. This will allow the assistant to understand and infer which location a user might be referring to, even if the user doesn’t provide all the details in their command. This would enable the Large Language Model to make educated guesses or suggestions based on partial information.
  3. Voice Command Parsing:
    Updating the intent recognition system to handle commands like “store object”, “locate object.” and “delete object”. This of course is a task much easier to handle by a LLM or a route LLM that could recognize the intent and route it to a specific set of instructions.

  4. Integration with Device Location:

    • Modify the voice assistant module to capture and store the device’s location (room name) when the command is issued. This may require integrating with existing presence detection features or enhancing the location tracking capabilities. Not mandatory but it’s easier to announce where we store something if we don’t have to specify the room each time.

Potential for Future Enhancements

While the initial implementation could focus on simplicity, there are opportunities for future enhancements:

  • Integration with NFC tags or QR codes for more precise tracking.
  • Suggested storage locations based on patterns of use or existing storage habits. For instance if your locations list and associated categories is sent to a LLM, the assistant can suggest a location for a new item. “Where can I store this keyboard that I don’t use anymore?” (Of course he doesnt know if It would fit, but we can ask for additional places on that case)
  • Follow up questions: Allow the assistant to ask clarifying questions when there is ambiguity (ex: the assistant is unsure whether an item being stored is a new item or an existing one).
  • harder to implement but some items may contain other items, a box in a drawer can contain smaller items.
  • Visual interface within the Home Assistant app to browse or search the objects location history.

Final Thoughts

I’m aware that it might take time to adapt to the habit of announcing where items are stored, and there’s a risk of items being moved without updating the system. However, the assistant could use patterns and location history to help suggest where to find these items if they’re not in their last known place.

While it will never be perfect, I still believe it can be extremely useful. You don’t need to track everything you own. Maybe you use it only for certain objects that you rarely use and might have difficulty finding later, or for items that don’t have an obvious location. The choice is yours.

Implementing this feature is no longer extremely difficult. Before the advent of LLM models, it would have been challenging, but now it’s within reach. If the Dev team isn’t interested, perhaps the community could develop a complement or a GitHub hacks tool.

I would love to hear feedback on this idea.


I’m proposing a new feature for Home Assistant to help track where household items are stored using voice commands. Users can announce where they’re placing items, and the system will remember the location, making it easier to find things later. Feedback from the community is welcome!

(Edited, added TL;DR)

Everything could be implemented via an integration without the need for a database schema update. Except probably this:

You are treading close to general AI territory there and they do not yet exist.

I don’t think my sanity would survive such a system.
All too often do the voice commands get interpreted incorrectly.

One of the touted uses - multi person households would break this as soon as one member decided that the forks should be in a different drawer, and forgot to tell anyone, including HA.

I ran some tests where I created a list of a hundred items, including locations and rooms, using Claude. Then I switched to “GTPo mini” to ensure they didn’t use the same training data. I randomized a few items in the list to see if the model could detect the nuances of a particular home instead of giving answers based on its training data. I passed the data as comma-separated values.

I asked the model where I could place a new item, and it consistently suggested locations with similar items. I also asked where something was, and it found it without any issues. When I mentioned that I had misplaced an item (one that wasn’t in the dataset), it provided possible locations.

Here’s an example of one of its responses:

Top Drawer, Basement: Since you have some kitchen-related items in the basement (like the wine aerator in the top drawer), it might have been stored here by mistake.

It also worked well for items in the same category, like power transformers, giving me consistent locations where I had stored the rest of the cables. The model clearly understood the item categories without me having to specify their uses or categories. And I didn’t even need to use a frontier model. That’s the hard use case.

Asking the model to “store this in this place” and output it in JSON for Home Assistant is trivial for the model and could be done locally if people have local AI capabilities.

I wouldn’t necessarily use this feature for everyday items like forks since I already know where they are. However, as I mentioned in my previous post, I did some testing, and even a model like ChatGPT 4o mini (not even a frontier model) was able to suggest possible locations for items based on similar ones. So, if the forks’ location is changed without updating, it might still help find them.

I wouldn’t necessarily use this feature for everyday items like forks since I already know where they are. However, as I mentioned in my previous post, I did some testing, and even a model like ChatGPT 4o mini (not even a frontier model) was able to suggest possible locations for items based on similar ones. So, if the forks’ location is changed without updating, it might still help find them.

That said, people will use this feature differently. Some might use it to organize their code instead of household items. A retailer, for example, could use it to sort items and help their clients find things more easily.

Personally, I’d use it for things I don’t access daily. For example, I recently found an adapter cable I’d forgotten about. If I had told the assistant, “Hey, I just found this adapter, note that it’s in this drawer,” it could remind me where it is next time I need it.
This isn’t something I’d use constantly but rather when cleaning, organizing, or storing items I won’t need for a while. I’m sure people will discover even more use cases as they go.

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