I would like to trigger automations based on if I am x seconds at a type of a location.
Currently I only see the possibility to set my own zones, but obviously this is no scalable solution.
E.g. I am parking at a supermarket (or at least close) for x seconds, then I want to sent a notification to my phone with the shopping list. Obviously I could have some conditions (when I ticked the last time items on the list… to not trigger it always when I am going to a place close to a supermarket. Amazing would be if I can as well filter the name of the place, e.g. “Rewe” or “Walmart” as a coniditon.
I am at a gas station in Germany and because of business car I need the information about how many kilometers I have driven in total (German topic…). So I want to sent a notification with these info based on my already existing Mercedes integration.
So, can I get somehow a trigger saying: Fire the trigger if I am at a certain location type (“Supermarket”, “Gas Station”) for certain time?
If it would be google maps based it would be fantastic because of the accuracy and additional information but I would take whats possible