Locative always showing my iphone as away

I had previously set up Locative with my iphone, and the home/away status would update correctly, however, for some reason, my device was named “3b34c85d2a8646b9ac39a672895b4922” instead of the name of the phone.

Today I deleted the entry in the known_devices.yaml file to see if it would correct the issue. after a restart, my phone was not added again, so i deleted locative off my phone and reinstalled it, and set it up again according to https://www.home-assistant.io/components/device_tracker.locative/

The entry was added to known_devices.yaml, however, it still has the same name, and now the device is showing as AWAY even though me and my phone are home.

I noticed that on the device states page, the souce_type is showing as “null”

My wife’s locative device is working fine

I haven’t been able to find any info on how to fix the souce_type: null issue, and have it show my phone’s name instead of what it shows.

Any help would be greatly appreciated

Hi did you managed to fix this? I’m having a similar issue… thanks

If still relevant, after 0.86 you need to use integration page:

To configure Locative, you must set it up via the integrations panel in the configuration screen. You must set up the app to send a POST request to your Home Assistant server at the webhook URL provided by the integration during setup. When you enter or exit a geofence, Locative will send the appropriate request to that URL, updating Home Assistant.

Locative users should vote here: Fix Locative Bug