Actually it looks like Locative support is broken - since I upgraded to 0.21.1 I am seeing the same, where it previously worked perfectly.
No doubt fallout from the web framework upgrade - the get request is returning what looks like a combination of config and state information:
{"config": {"components": ["recorder", "zwave", "notify", "http", "alexa", "logbook", "updater", "zone", "device_tracker", "weblink", "input_boolean", "history", "input_select", "sun", "sensor.forecast", "sensor.yr", "sensor.template", "sensor.systemmonitor", "sensor.worldclock", "sensor.time_date", "sensor", "conversation", "discovery", "api", "frontend", "mqtt", "garage_door.mqtt", "garage_door", "group", "automation", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene.homeassistant", "scene", "script", "switch", "thermostat", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "switch.zwave", "hvac", "sensor.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "hvac.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "hvac.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "switch.zwave", "binary_sensor", "switch.zwave", "switch.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "hvac.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "thermostat.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "binary_sensor.zwave", "media_player", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "light", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "sensor.zwave", "media_player.roku", "light.hue"], "latitude": 41.115126, "location_name": "Main", "longitude": -73.403153, "temperature_unit": "\u00b0F", "time_zone": "America/New_York", "version": "0.21.1"}, "events": [{"event": "time_changed", "listener_count": 21}, {"event": "call_service", "listener_count": 1}, {"event": "state_changed", "listener_count": 90}, {"event": "homeassistant_start", "listener_count": 3}, {"event": "*", "listener_count": 2}, {"event": "homeassistant_stop", "listener_count": 4}, {"event": "mqtt_message_received", "listener_count": 1}, {"event": "platform_discovered", "listener_count": 18}], "services": [{"domain": "device_tracker", "services": {"see": {"description": "Control tracked device", "fields": {"battery": {"description": "Battery level of device", "example": "100"}, "dev_id": {"description": "Id of device (find id in known_devices.yaml)", "example": "phonedave"}, "gps": {"description": "GPS coordinates where device is located (latitude, longitude)", "example": "[51.509802, -0.086692]"}, "gps_accuracy": {"description": "Accuracy of GPS coordinates", "example": "80"}, "host_name": {"description": "Hostname of device", "example": "Dave"}, "location_name": {"description": "Name of location where device is located (not_home is away)", "example": "home"}, "mac": {"description": "MAC address of device", "example": "FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF"}}}}}, {"domain": "notify", "services": {"notify": {"description": "Send a notification", "fields": {"message": {"description": "Message body of the notification.", "example": "The garage door has been open for 10 minutes."}, "target": {"description": "Target of the notification. Optional depending on the platform", "example": "platform specific"}, "title": {"description": "Optional title for your notification.", "example": "Your Garage Door Friend"}}}}}, {"domain": "scene", "services": {"turn_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "zwave", "services": {"add_node": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "heal_network": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "remove_node": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "soft_reset": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "test_network": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "script", "services": {"andrew_away": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "andrew_home": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "cooling_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "cooling_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "day": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "evening": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "evening_transition": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "everyone_left": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "heat_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "heat_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "morning": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "night": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "night_quiet": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "porch_motion_night_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "porch_motion_night_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "restart_ha": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "set_initial_state": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "smart_cooling_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "smart_heat_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "smart_heat_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "someone_home": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "test": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "timed_dim_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "timed_dim_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "toggle": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "turn_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "turn_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "wendy_away": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "wendy_home": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "input_boolean", "services": {"turn_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "turn_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "hvac", "services": {"set_aux_heat": {"description": "Turn auxillary heater on/off for hvac", "fields": {"aux_heat": {"description": "New value of axillary heater", "example": true}, "entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": ""}}}, "set_away_mode": {"description": "Turn away mode on/off for hvac", "fields": {"away_mode": {"description": "New value of away mode", "example": true}, "entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": ""}}}, "set_fan_mode": {"description": "Set fan operation for hvac", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": "hvac.nest"}, "fan": {"description": "New value of fan mode", "example": "On Low"}}}, "set_humidity": {"description": "Set target humidity of hvac", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": ""}, "humidity": {"description": "New target humidity for hvac", "example": 60}}}, "set_operation_mode": {"description": "Set operation mode for hvac", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": "hvac.nest"}, "operation_mode": {"description": "New value of operation mode", "example": "Heat"}}}, "set_swing_mode": {"description": "Set swing operation for hvac", "fields": {"description": "New value of swing mode", "entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": "hvac.nest"}, "example": 1, "swing_mode": null}}, "set_temperature": {"description": "Set target temperature of hvac", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to change", "example": ""}, "temperature": {"description": "New target temperature for hvac", "example": 25}}}}}, {"domain": "conversation", "services": {"process": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "logbook", "services": {"log": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "input_select", "services": {"select_option": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "light", "services": {"toggle": {"description": "Toggles a light", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to toggle", "example": ""}, "transition": {"description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state", "example": 60}}}, "turn_off": {"description": "Turn a light off", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to turn off", "example": ""}, "transition": {"description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state", "example": 60}}}, "turn_on": {"description": "Turn a light on", "fields": {"brightness": {"description": "Number between 0..255 indicating brightness", "example": 120}, "color_name": {"description": "A human readable color name", "example": "red"}, "color_temp": {"description": "Color temperature for the light in mireds (154-500)", "example": "250"}, "effect": {"description": "Light effect", "values": ["colorloop", "random"]}, "entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to turn on", "example": ""}, "flash": {"description": "If the light should flash", "values": ["short", "long"]}, "profile": {"description": "Name of a light profile to use", "example": "relax"}, "rgb_color": {"description": "Color for the light in RGB-format", "example": "[255, 100, 100]"}, "transition": {"description": "Duration in seconds it takes to get to next state", "example": 60}, "xy_color": {"description": "Color for the light in XY-format", "example": "[0.52, 0.43]"}}}}}, {"domain": "garage_door", "services": {"close": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "open": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "switch", "services": {"toggle": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "turn_off": {"description": "", "fields": {}}, "turn_on": {"description": "", "fields": {}}}}, {"domain": "media_player", "services": {"media_next_track": {"description": "Send the media player the command for next track.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to send next track command to", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "media_pause": {"description": "Send the media player the command for pause.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to pause on", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "media_play": {"description": "Send the media player the command for play.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to play on", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "media_play_pause": {"description": "Toggle media player play/pause state", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to toggle play/pause state on", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "media_previous_track": {"description": "Send the media player the command for previous track.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to send previous track command to", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "media_seek": {"description": "Send the media player the command to seek in current playing media.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to seek media on", "example": "media_player.living_room_chromecast"}, "position": {"description": "Position to seek to. The format is platform dependent.", "example": 100}}}, "media_stop": {"description": "Send the media player the stop command.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to stop on", "example": "media_player.living_room_sonos"}}}, "play_media": {"description": "Send the media player the command for playing media.", "fields": {"entity_id": {"description": "Name(s) of entities to seek media on", "example": "media_player.living_room_chromecast"}, "media_content_id": {"description": "The ID of the content to play. Platform dependent
I get a 200 response code but the presence never changes - I have tried this with Locative as well as curl.