Lock not able to put in Status Bar in Home App

HomeKit - Lock is not appearing in Status Bar

Hi guys,

My door is opened by a switch which is successfully integrated in HA. Through the lock template it’s also appearing as such there AND in HomeKit.

I can also control it via Siri but it’s not appearing in the status bar. I don’t know why. Maybe someone can help on this or has an idea. It worked before but I can’t tell since when this happened.

What status bar?

Which Home assistant App (iOS /Android)?

The Statusbar in Apples Home App. I made sure the lock is enabled for that but still is not appearing.

I tried now removing the bridge entirely and set it up new again. No success. If anyone has an idea I would be really grateful.

Perhaps you should ask on the Apple support forum as this is about their app, not the home assistant app.

Not sure if this is app related or maybe an issue between HA and HomeKit. I just could imagine that the template maybe blocks it from appearing in the status.

Ahhh here we go. The solution is that locks are only appear when they’re unlocked. As my door is automatically locked after 4 seconds, nothing happens here :slight_smile: