Lock, Unlock, sometimes working sometimes not: calling from service is NOT working ..?

I have a strange problem, this script works always

          - service: lock.unlock
              entity_id: lock.14a_office_door

but when I press service lock.lock, with correct entity_id is not working.

Same in lovelace this is working (it will unlock the lock, or lock when the command is lock)

      - type: entity-button
        name: Apri portone ufficio 14a
        entity: script.unlock_14a_office_door

while this is not working (it will NOT unlock the lock, or NOT lock when the command is lock)

      - type: entity-button
        name: Apri portone ufficio 14a
        entity: lock.14a_office_door

In your last example, the entity is wrong (the entity is misnamed, looks like you’ve taken the name of the script and added lock. to the front of it).

corrected a bad copy/paste

I just took a look at mine and all of mine have tap action and hold action defined, I configured mine through the UI.