Locked out: How to access file system to delete auth files?

Hey there, happy new year!

So I screwed up: a couple of months ago i bought HA blue to play around with in the new place i moved into yesterday and now I cant use it because apparently I set up an account and didn’t write down the details when I “tested it out real quick”.

I looked at this page:

and it seems the only applicable solution for me is to start a new onboarding process. But how do I access the file system to delete these files?

I found this thread:

Which links to another thread and some documentation. Seems I need an addon to access the file system, is that correct?

The question then becomes how do I install an addon if I can’t access anything. I tried using the cli but can’t find the command to do it from there.

any help? it would suck to have basically bricked this thing.

Well that is two ways, either by using the SSH or Samba addons.

You can also connect a keyboard and display directly to the host machine to access the CLI.

To start a new onboarding process:

ha addons install core_ssh
ha addons start core_ssh

Then ssh in to Home Assistant, and

rm -rf /config/.storage

Reboot and you will be back to the onboarding process in the WebUI.

Okay but I don’t have ssh installed yet. Or does that come preinstalled? If so, how/where do I enter the rm command?

I’m sorry for the noobie questions.

Yes I have been able to enter the cli with a keyboard and monitor, but I don’t know where to go from there. I know there is “ha addons”, but how do I install either ssh or samba with it?

Andrew just told you how to install the ssh addon above. However as you have access to the cli just do step 3 to start a new onboarding process,

oof yeah I’m an idiot. Thought that was reinstalling the ha core. Trying it now.

okay hopefully last question: how do i “ssh in to home assistant”? I don’t know where to enter the rm command.

You don’t have to if you have CLI access via the Keyboard and monitor.

Well simply typing the rm command into the ha cli does not work.

Thank you for the quick responses btw!

You need to type login first to get to a proper linux prompt

On my install of Home Assistant (which is a virtual machine running Home Assistant OS) - the .storage directory is at:


Yes, it was the second path that worked! Thank you so much!

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Now that you are back in you might want to go through the items on this list: