Lockin G30 door lock experience?

Hi guys.

Someone here who have experience with lockin G30 door lock. Is there a implementation for HomeAssistant?

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Grabbed one during PrimeDay, would be nice to have an integration into home assistant.

I have it and so far I’m really liking it.
It’s a bit bulky compared to the the more common locks out there like Nuki and Tedee but it costs less than half and does the job very well. Engine isn’t too loud, extremely easy to install, AA batteries powered for both the Biometric Reader and the lock itself, keypad is lit, bio reader is pretty fast and it supports Tuya where I have most of my stuff.
Unfortunately there’s no love for HA just yet :frowning:
Not even via the Tuya integration but I was told that’s intentional for security reasons.

Hey guys, you can integrate the G30 into HomeAssistant via Alexa. Call up the status and also control it. works really well. Unfortunately i cant upload an Video here.

It then worked with some effort via the interface with Alexa.

  • Initially, the Tuya app was used because the LOCKIN Home skill no longer exists. There were also problems with the SmartLife app. So the first step was to integrate all components into Tuya.
  • Then pair the Tuya account with Alexa, Alexa recognizes the lock automatically. At the beginning it is locked, you have to unlock it in Alexa by entering an online code to open it. This is the only way to unlock the lock for Alexa.
  • Then the Alexa MediaPlayer integration is required. So install this in HA.
  • Next, you need a helper switch. Create this under Helpers.
  • You then enable this switch for Alexa in the Voice Assistants area. Alexa will recognize it immediately.
  • You then create 2 routings in Alexa. If lock unlocked then helper switch to On. (Door open is therefore switch on)

Intermediate status: We can now call up the status of the lock, whether it is locked or unlocked.

Let’s continue.

  • To be able to operate the lock, we now need the Alexa Media Player and an automation and a button.So the next step is to create a BUTTON helper
  • Open a new automation and use the button as a condition. (If the status changes no matter how)
  • We now create an If then action. If helper switch Off Then open the door via a custom command. Otherwise If switch is On send a custom command to close the door.

Intermediate status: We can now see the statuses and also control the lock. The visualization is still missing.

  • I created this with a mushroom template, because you can easily get all the important information and actions in one card.

  • Oh yes, I call up whether the door itself is open or closed via an external door/window sensor, unfortunately this has not been transferred from the lock to the Alexa skill.

So I hope that was understandable so far and that some of you are pleased that you can now integrate your door lock into HA and also control it.
Good luck

Door is closed

Door is opened

With a long press you will open or close the lock. So you can do all with one card.

type: custom:mushroom-template-card
primary: TerrassentĂŒre
secondary: |-
  {% if is_state('binary_sensor.terrassenture_opening', 'on') %}
    TĂŒre geöffnet
  {% else %}
    TĂŒre Geschlossen
  {% endif %}
icon: |-

  {% if is_state('input_boolean.terrassenture_helfsschalter', 'on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
icon_color: |-
  {% if is_state('input_boolean.terrassenture_helfsschalter', 'on') %}
  {% else %}
  {% endif %}
fill_container: false
multiline_secondary: false
  action: none
badge_color: ''
entity: input_button.sperren
  action: none
  action: toggle
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hey There , can you explain me from the point Let’s continue.i stuck here :smiley:

Any option to use fingerprint with HA?

I tested to get the lock working via BLE
you can set it up in the Tuya app instead of the Lockin App (which is just branded tuya)

However it does not work with the IDs given from tuya because apperently you need cloud Key everythime you unlock via BLE
you cant even unlock the lock via app(BLE) if the smartphone is not connected via LTE

what do you want to achieve ?


Is there more info around this topic?
I still cannot add my lockin G30 to HA.
And I use google home and not alexa.
Is there any way that I can add a Lockin card to my dashboard to open or close the lock with one click?


I successfully enabled the Locking G30 lock to operate locally, utilizing a Python script and the TinyTuya module. To accomplish this, you’ll need to obtain IDs and local keys from the Tuya cloud, following a step-by-step guide provided here: GitHub - jasonacox/tinytuya: Python API for Tuya WiFi smart devices using a direct local area network (LAN) connection or the cloud (TuyaCloud API).

In the example script below, the door can be manually locked. While this may seem like a small achievement, it is a good starting point.

import tinytuya

# Connect to Device

ip_address = ''

### Enter "G30 Wi-Fi Bridge" ID, IP and Local Key here
gw = tinytuya.Device( 'bffafasdfasdfpw5', address=ip_address, local_key='HJVfdsfasdfafadLz=C', persist=True, version=3.4 )

d = tinytuya.OutletDevice(
    dev_id='bf9fadfasdfarya',    # ID of "G30 Smart Lock-EU"
    address=ip_address,           # "G30 Wi-Fi Bridge"
    local_key='HJVfdsfasdfafadLz=C', # Local Key of "G30 Smart Lock-EU"
    parent = gw)

### Get DPS status data
data = d.status() 
print('Device status: %r' % data)

### Manual lock
data = d.set_value(46,True) 
print('Set value: %r' % data)
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if you can control it via google assistant
(set password in tuya/lockin app)

you can send text command to google assistant via google assistant SDK

Hello everyone,
I’m currently trying to integrate my new Lockin G30 into the Home Assistant and Alexa. So far everything worked. I proceeded similarly to tkzger.
However, I have to notice that the Tuya Smart app only reads the change status when the app is open.
However, if the door is closed or opened manually or using a keypad, the status is not passed on to Alexa and therefore not to Home Assistant.
When I query the status via the Alexa app or by voice, I don’t get the current status. That can’t be right.
Scenes that are supposed to trigger the opening and closing of the door within the Tuya app are also not triggered.
It seems as if the app only establishes communication with the lock. The lock does not push changes to the bridge.
Does anyone know this phenomenon and perhaps have a solution for it?

Hello! Tuya integration doesn’t support Lockin G30. Device, its hub and keypad looks like “G30 Smart Lock-EU (unsupported)”, “G30 Wi-Fi Bridge (unsupported)”, “G30 Keypad Pro (unsupported)”.